Chapter 6

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Adams POV

After Tommy is released from hospital we go back to Neil's as I don't want Tommy going back home with what happened there so Neil is letting us stay with him until the house is finished which will only be a couple of months hopefully as I spoke to the builders yesterday when the doctors said that Tommy could come home today. I had to pick the colors and everything but I already knew the colors that Tommy liked as we had spoken about it long before this happened.

One day when Neil was at work, I left Tommy in the lounge room so I could do some work in the office. I really had to get thing organised for this benefit concert and he seemed okay this morning.

I am engrossed in organizing what I can from here until I hear Tommy screaming to get away from me. I run out and see him curled up on the couch crying. I sit next to him and very slowly and gently reach out my hand. I let him see that I will not hurt him. I would never hurt him he is my life. I very slowly touch his leg and he doesn't flinch at all. He is slowly getting better. I can touch him most of the time without him flinching away from me.

After I have touched his leg he crawls into my lap and buries his head in my neck. I run my hand up and down his back trying to soothe him.

All of a sudden he leans up and kisses my lips. I keep it as a chaste kiss. Just as I go to pull away Tommy goes to deepen the kiss. As his tongue swipes across my bottom lip he also starts to move so he is straddling me. He starts to move against me which leaves me moaning but I can't do this as I know he is not ready for this yet. I pull away and look at him and say "babe I'm sorry as much as I would love to make love to you, you are not ready yet. There are still times that you can't stand me touching you and I understand that but we can't go any further as I don't want you to regret this and hate me. I love you too much to be able to handle that".

It's been a month since he was released from hospital, he has been going to therapy every day and he is getting so much better with everything, even his arm is getting more movement back in it. He still gets pain but not as bad. He will hopefully get the cast off tomorrow.

There are times when he flinched if I touch him but not that often. He has been dropping suttle hints too that he is ready for our sex life to get back on track so I have planned a surprise for him. I am going to make him a nice meal and maybe we might have a bottle of wine. I asked his therapist if he can have a few glasses of wine and he said he can't see why not. So tomorrow night I am going to make all about him. Neil told me he had to go away for work for 2 days so I am going to make the most of it.

The next day I tell Tommy that we need to go to the supermarket after we have his appointment to see if his cast can come off or not but he doesn't have to come along if he doesn't want to but he decides he will come with me. We make our way out to the car for his appointment and I decide that we will take Tommy's today as we use mine all the time. I unlock his car with my keys that he gave me when I presented him the car for our anniversary. I open his door for him and he hops in. We get to the hospital and make our way inside hand in hand. I can sense that he is nervous so I pull him into my side. We make it to his appointment and we sit down for probably 5 minutes before he is called. The doctor looks it over and moves it a bit and says its mended better, I say we can take this cast off now. Tommy has the biggest smile on his face that I haven't seen in ages. We walk out after the doctor put a bandage on and told him to keep it strapped for about 1 week but he can still use it just take it easy.

As we get to the supermarket I park the car and hop out to open the door for him. We walk into the mall hand in hand and make our way into the supermarket. I grab a trolley and let him walk beside me for a bit until I see him tense up a bit as it's crowded and he is still not good with crowds after what happened, so I pull him into me so he is walking in front of me. I smile when I look down at our hands and see his engagement ring next to mine. We were lucky that Sauli and his mum never took it as he didn't have it on. He took it off and put it away when I was in Australia. I think he might have taken it off when Sauli started sending him the messages. I found it when I moved his stuff so I put it straight back on.

We walk through the supermarket until we got to the meat section and Tommy looks at me and says "Addy what are looking for I thought there was a freezer full of meat". I lean down and peck his lips and say babe the next 2 days are all about you. I am going to cook a nice meal for us tonight and then we might have some fun if you're up to it. Tomorrow we can do whatever you want. I continue to look at the meat until I spot a tray of chicken breast. I pick it up and Tommy jumps up and down and says "babe can we have chicken Volavonts please we haven't had them in ages". I laugh at his silliness and say OK we can have that then. We continue a long until we have what we need bar dessert and he spots a nice cheesecake, he grabs it and puts it in the trolley.

As we head to the checkout we spot Tommy's sister and he tenses when she start walking over to us. I pull him into me and hold him close. I whisper in his ear that its OK baby I have got you nothing is going to happen alright. She walks over to us but we ignore her and continue on. After we have been through the checkout we head back to the car until I see a flower shop and I head over and buy a dozen red roses for him. I hand them to him and say "baby these are for you to say how much I love you and am so proud of how far you have come these past weeks". He leans up and kisses my lips and says "thank you and yes we will have some fun tonight". He then leans in and whispers in my ear I can't wait to feel you inside me again. As he says that I grab his hand and make our way to the car faster.

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