Chapter 15

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Tommy's POV

It's been 2 weeks since I met up with my ex-girlfriend Liz again. We have been meeting up every day for lunch since the day we saw ran into each other. That first night when I got home Addy was coming down the stairs freshly showered and I just walked up to him and kissed his cheek then cuddled into him. I couldn't help it after meeting with Liz again it made me realize what I have with Adam but then it's different talking to Liz and when she invites me to have lunch with her every day I can't help but want to do it so I do but I don't tell Adam as I know it will make him jealous as he was jealous when I told him I first met up with her. I don't know why as Adam is everything to me. He is gorgeous and he takes care of me even when I have bad days. Every day she massages me that she had a good time that day and we message back and forth each day

I know I have changed and I smell like perfume when I go back as she always hugged me goodbye when I left but I always shower when I get back that way Adam doesn't suspect anything.

One day when she left she kissed me on the cheek and she had lipstick on and Adam was home when I got back and I know he noticed but didn't say anything to me.

We just tiptoe around each other Adam and I for the past 2 weeks. We hardly speak to each other at all. I hate this but Liz has a strong hold over me and won't leave me alone ok I enjoyed it up until she kissed my cheek as after that she hugged me so tight I couldn't move and she was clingy all the time. I wanted to stop meeting up with her but she wouldn't allow it. So I did what I knew best to stop the ache in my heart, I cut again every day when Addy was busy so he didn't know that I was self-harming again. I always wore long sleeves so he didn't suspect and it was always when I was in the shower so the water muffled my cries.

One day Liz messaged me and said that we couldn't meet at the usual place but we could meet at the park near where we lived when we were together. That day Adam said he had a meeting and wouldn't be back until 5 pm so I knew I had the house to myself. I met up with Liz at the park and she hugged me when she saw me. We sat on a bench and just talked for a bit up until she leaned over and kissed me. I jumped up and yelled at her that I was a happily engaged man and that I couldn't do this anymore as I was hurting not only myself but Adam as well.

I walked away from her and raced home and up to the bathroom where I stayed and just cried then I had a shower and pulled my trusty friend out and started cutting like I did every day. After I was satisfied I washed my arms and the walls of the shower. Then I hopped out and as I walked into the bedroom I noticed the time and realized that Addy would be home very shortly and I hadn't sorted anything for dinner so I tried to ring Adam but it rang then went to message bank. I didn't leave a message and I walked back to the bathroom as Addy always answers his phone when it's me and I can't help but feel disheartened that he didn't answer the phone, I feel like I am slowly losing him.

I pulled out my blade once again and got in the shower to cut for the second time tonight. When I was in the shower I just kept cutting until I was numb. Then I heard my phone ring and jumped out to see it was Addy. I answer it and Addy says Hey babe I missed your call are you OK. I sniffle and pray to God he can't hear it and say yeah sorry just realized the time and thought you could bring some take away home as I can't be bothered sorting anything out for dinner and it's just us 2 as Neil won't be back until late. He answers with yeah OK I get will get takeaway I just finished so I will be about 15 minutes.

After I hang up I quickly wash all the blood off me then jump out and get dressed. As I finished bandaging my arms I heard Adam calling for me, so I walk downstairs trying to dry my eyes. I walk into the lounge room and sit on the lounge as I feel light headed from the loss of blood. Addy looks at me and walks into the kitchen. My phone pings with a message and I pick it up seeing it's from Liz. I couldn't help but smile when she talked about all the fun we had when we were dating. I didn't notice Addy walking back in until he put the stuff on the table then yelled at me for talking to Liz again. He said he was going to shower and I could eat, he would have his when he finished. He walked upstairs and I feel awful as I just saw the hurt in his eyes. I thought back to the last time I hurt him when I was self-harming before.

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