Chapter 18

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Adams POV

After I finished singing the song to Tommy he was sobbing and started to crawl up me but we hear a voice so he stops and goes back to his spot. After mum said what she wanted. I said that I would forgive her but I know it will take Tommy longer. I tell her that she hurt him to many times. I pull him back into arms and whisper in his ear I love you.

We just talk for a bit until Tommy starts to get restless so I say "mum I'm sorry Tommy's not well right now and we have a few things we still need to sort out so if you will excuse us I really need to be alone with my fiancée. Once Tommy has settled back at Neil's then you can come over and we can talk more but until then mum I really need to spend time with Tommy alone to sort out what we have to". Mum gets up and comes over to kiss my cheek and says "I'm sorry I just heard what happened and I had to come and see what was going on than when I heard you talking and you singing the song I just had to let you know how sorry I am". I nod my head and she goes to kiss Tommy's cheek but he buries his head in my neck. I pull him into me more and shake my head as if to say mum don't. She nods her head and walks out.

Once she has gone I gently move Tommy's head from my neck and I kiss his lips and say "Its OK baby she has gone and if you don't want to see her then you don't have to I'm not going to force you sweetheart OK". He nods his head then looks at me and said "I really loved that song but who wrote the music I know you only like doing the lyrics and you leave the music to me". I look at him and say "Dr Stylinson wrote the music for me. He has been a big help to me this past week". As I say that I remember we need to change his next of kin on his file so I say to him "Glitter baby when you were bought in they told Neil that I had been contacted but I hadn't and when I started asking questions they told me your next of kin is still your mum so we need to change that if you want". He looks at me and says yes I do. I don't want to have anything to do with my mother she can rot hell for all I care so how do we do it". I was just about to tell him but Dr Stylinson walks in and he says "sorry to over hear your conversation but I can do it if I have your permission Tommy". Tommy looks at the doctor and "yes you do please change it for me. I don't want anything to do with her". Dr Stylinson nods his head and says "OK I will do for you. I just came by to ask if it's okay with you both that I bring Louis in tonight so he can see for himself that Tommy really is OK". I look down at Tommy and he says "if Addy agrees then that's fine". I nod my head and yeah that's OK Louis helped the last time he was here. Dr Stylinson nods his head and says "thanks I will bring him by around 7pm". I nod my head OK and watch as the doctor who is turning into a friend walks out the room.

A few hours later Dr Stylinson walks back in with his husband following behind and as soon as Louis saw Tommy awake and curled up in my lap he said "thank God you are alright I thought Hazza was just telling me that so I could stop blaming myself as I didn't see the signs of you cutting again. I really am sorry Tommy". Tommy sits up in my lap and looks at Louis and says "it's not your fault; you never saw my downfall because I couldn't go to your appointments as I knew you would notice the signs of my downfall. I didn't want you to see it. I knew if you did you would talk me out of it".

We sit there for a bit just talking until Harry gets up and says "come on babe we need to get home". Louis stands up and was just about to walk out but Dr Stylinson stops and turns back to us and says "I forgot I changed you next of Kin for you so now it's Adam. If you have more problems with that then come see me and I will see what I can do". I nod my head and watch them walk out. I turn to Tommy and open my arms up and he snuggles back into my lap. I look down at him and say "I really missed this and God knows how much I missed you too. I just missed having you in my arms along with missing you. I was an idiot for walking away when I knew you needed me but I still walked away. Can you please forgive me baby? I was selfish". Tommy looks up at me and says "yes I can because I love you and don't like fighting with you".

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