Chapter 9

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I went back to my room and I just decided that I sleep in since its Saturday and am angry. Fortunately my day starts at 10 am today . And on Sunday's it's my rest day.
I woke up when I felt like I was being watched. I opened my eyes and it was Thabiso , he looked very angry.
Thabiso: uyosiza uvuke
- you'd Better wake up
Me: ungvuselani?
- why are you waking me up?
Him: Yini le?"
- What is this?"
He said showing me my prenatal vitamins and my card from the clinic
Me: I mean I'm sure you're able to read Tee, let me sleep in peace please I still have a long ass day ahead of me.
Tee: Ungizonda ngaleyondlela yokuthi sengingaze ngitshelwe u Mah ukuthi ukulelwe? Ukhulelwe kwakhona noma You're are just trying to put the spotlight on you and outshine Lungile, Eyami yona lengane?
-Do you hate me that much that I had to hear from my mother that you're pregnant??, are you even pregnant or......, is this child even mine? "
I was shocked and that he would say something like this to me , his very own wife. And angry and disappointed and where does his mother fit in all of this. ?
Me: I told you that we are expecting a child, you just weren't listening and you assumed that I was talking about your child with Lungile and that's not my problem.
Him: When did you plan to tell me about it? Were you gonna hide the pregnancy until when?
Me: I already told you and the reason why I planned to keep my pregnancy to my self is this reason . Nicabanga ukuthi mina ngizama uku competer noLungile wakho . Lalela ke Bhuti , I found out I was pregnant even before you told us about your side dish upgrade.. " I know I was lying but I wanted to hurt him nami
-... You all think that I'm trying to compete with your Lungile, listen brother,...
Him: You know what I need some breather, we are not done here . " he threw the card on the bed then left. I wonder how does his mom know about this.

Thabiso ☆
I was so angry at Noxolo, even with my self because had I waited none of this would have happened . Had i stayed faithful to my wife eventually we were gonna have kids , and look at me now, I have two kids on a way and another wife coming. I love my wife but her love I had for her was been over shadowed by the fact that she can't fall pregnant , atleast that what I told my self when I started persuing a relationship with Lungile. All in all even when I found out about her pregnancy I wasn't as happy as I thought I would be and Lungile still has a big piece of my heart as messed up as it is but it's the truth.
Noxolo is also so secretive if I did not hear from my mother that shes pregnant I know I would have only known after four to five months when her baby pump is visible.


When Noxolo left to her room after she disrespected me and refused to make me breakfast I went to bath then i went to the main house. I know my mother could never deny me food . Luckily I found her awake and busy in the kitchen.
Me: morning mama , indlela ngilambe ngakhona , my wife Is useless these days
- the way I'm so hungry
MaNdlovu: dont talk like that I'm sure it's the pregnancy that is making her like that , phela it differs from women to women. Why didnt you tell us the good news vele ?
Me: What are you talking about Mama? Who's pregnant?
MaNdlovu: MaDlamini ukhulelwe Thabiso, usholo ukuthi awazi nje wena?
- MaDlamini is pregnant Thabiso, are you saying that you dont know?"
Me: she never told me , and this baby came at a wrong time , I mean we tried and tried our best to fall pregnant. But now it just not the right time , what is Lungile going to say?
MaNdlovu: when you thought of taking a second wife what did you think MaDlamini will say? "
I honestly did not think about Noxolo at all. When Lungile told me that she was pregnant I was too happy to even care. "
MaNdlovu: I can understand why you were happy, Lungile is a lady hhay mntanam ukhethe kahle. But you shouldn't be so difficult kuMaDlamini she is also carrying your child, even thou you dont look too happy about it .
- my child you chose well"


I drove around in circles until I felt my self being calm enough. I had too many questions on my mind. Even thou I dont love Noxolo as much as I loved her before but I am gonna try and be there for her and my child. I think Lungile has bewitched me hhayi ! I cant seem to stop thinking about her and about last night

Lungile was at her bathroom mirror trying to hide the love bites , when she woke up she was so angry because she has told Thabiso a long time ago that she hates hickeys but he still leaves them. Thabani is going to be so angry when he notices them as he has told her to not engage in sexual activities with his brother anymore . Lungile does not know why she had sex with Thabiso as she had already told him before that they cant have sex until after their wedding night. She just felt horny and the first person she thought of calling was Thabiso and she was glad that she did, well expect for the hickey' s issue everything else was good. She was smiling at her self when she decided to send a text message to Thabiso
" We should meet up again tonight, also talk to your wife about the maid of honor issue , I want her to plan the bridal shower, cant wait to see you tonight daddy"

There was a knock on the door and it was Thabani, I quickly went to open the door and let him inside
Lungile e: ufunani lana Thabani? Are you crazy
- What do you want here Thabani?
Him: I know he slept over here because I did not see his car last night
Lungile: So why are you here, couldn't you call and tell me that you know that?
Him: you are going off script Lungile manje
Lungile: I wanted to convince him to tell his wife to agree to be a maid of honor. I had to do what I had to do thabani, I cant let you kill him
Him: do you love him?
Lungile: No. I just dont want to see you going to jail. Or innocent people ke at this case. Just please let me do this my way Thabani.
Him: I dont like it when you have sex with these man Noxolo
Lungile: and do you think I enjoy it? Now please go , I don't want anyone seeing you here.
Him: I'm going but this is not over ."

Lungile honestly felt very confused . She didnt know if it was because shes starting to fall in love with Thabiso that he is against him being killed or it's because she could never live with her self if she had him killed as she was not a killer

Authors Note:
There won't be any chapter tomorrow as I'm usually very busy on fridays with ukudla kwesabatha and cleaning
But since I wont be doing anything on Saturday then expect a chapter thn. Thank you for reading , liking ang to those who comment. Lots of love

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