Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Lisa's car has already came back from the service and I've also decided to go ane get all of my things from the Cele home because there's nothing holding me back anymore and there is nothing connecting me to them anymore. And Lisa has a spare bedroom here and she told me that I'm welcomed to move in with her.

" Good morning , when did you wake up?" Lisa said when she saw the food I made on top of the table , I woke up really early
" I'm sorry if I woke you up with my noise" I replied
Her: its Sunday you actually did me a huge favour. You know I have to go to church. "
Me: just so we are both on the same page, I'm not going with you
Her: I wonder when you will let God in your heart Nox.
Me: ah it's not that friend , I'm just busy I just have to ...
Her: do laundry i know ryt? Always your excuse " lisa interrupted me, it looks like it is always the excuse i make, but ke I always do have to wash our clothes .
Me: oh you know Its not an excuse Lisa.
Her: You just dont want to go to church with me
Me: I have nothing against your church mngani, I'm just not ready you know. You know at church they preach about forgiveness, I'm just not ready to forgive and to let go of all the hate I habour mngani
Her: atleast you know where to go once you're ready .

It's a few days later and today it's the day I decided that enough is enough I'm going to fetch my clothes and no one is gonna stop me.
I was shocked when I got there and no one minded me.
I got inside of what used to be my house. I packed my clothes in the big suitcase I once bought, I dont know why I did thou, maybe in my conscious i kind of knew that something like this would happen . When I finished packing I stood at the door and looked inside of what used to be my our bedroom , well at the end it was mostly mine .
" well well well well , look at what the cat dragged in" a voice said behind me and with the clicks of heels I knew for sure that it is Lungile. I rolled my eyes internally
Me:" Lungile" I greeted her cooly
Her: it's a good thing you came to fetch your things , we were just about to burn all of this rubbish , girl where do you live ? Its 21st century but your clothes screams 18th century "
Me: ufunani?
- what do you want
Her : you need to tell that friend of yours to give you the fashion advice, you really need it . Her , she has style."
Me: You should be concentrating on your marriage, sooner or later he is gonna find someone else and leave you"
Her: I'm not like you swiirry ( sweety) , I am able to give him childrens, and I do not bore him in the bedroom like someone i will not mention"
Me: let me go before i say things i will regret, goodluck with your hypocrite mother in law, you are so gonna need it and you might think she is in your corner but hey one mistake and she will be your worst enemy, and he is always on his son side, I would've stayed and see how everything plays out by itself but hha aah , I still have some fashion advice I have to get from my friend , let's hope you'll always stay perfect in their eyes or else they will show you their true colors "
I got outside and when I was about to leave I saw Mandlovu
Mandlovu: manje vele uzohamba ungavalelisanga? Umtshelile yena uThabiso ukuthi uzoza lana ?
- so you're gonna leave without saying goodbye? Did you even tell Thabiso that you're coming here?
Me: uThabiso bekazi ukuthi ngiza lana , usale kahle
- Thabiso knew that I was coming here, goodbye "

I took my suitcase and wheeled it out. Lisa said I should call her when I'm done so she will come and fetch me but I wanted some air so I think I will just get a taxi. It's not like I wanted air from her but I just did not want to be too dependent on her like I've been. I will never forget her she has been a blessing in my life. She also deserves a little break from me.

I got in the corner and decided to wait there maybe a car might come my way and I will get a lift. But if I haven't got anything in twenty minutes then I guess I will just have to call Lisa. . Luckily a car stopped next to me and you wouldnt believe the person that got out of the car. It was the very same handsome guy that I saw when Lisa's car broke down.
" we meet again mntomuhle"
Me: mmmh hi? .. " i honestly did not know what to say to him
Him: how are you?
Me: I'm good thanks , how are you ?
Him: I'm good, really good . If this isnt fate then I dont know what is...
Me: oh I.. I.. dont know? " it was like I was asking
Him: ngingu Njabulo Hlatshwayo , wena ntokazi enhle ungumabani?
- I'm Njabulo Hlatshwayo, what are your clan names beautiful lady?
Me: MaDlamini, Noxolo Dlamini
Him: Ngyathokoza ukukwazi , ubhekephi nesikhwama esikhulu?
- it's a pleasure knowing you, where are you going with the big bag?
Me: I'm going to my friend place , I'm just waiting for a taxi.
Him: let me take you there
Me: That wont be necessary but thank you , we are practically strangers
Him: siqeda ukwazana Kodwa ntokazi. Ngisholo ngathi ngiwu Njabulo "
He smiled a little and honestly everything about him was beautiful, even his teeth . He was very dirty wearing overalls and full of oil I'm sure he just came back from fixing a car or something like that, I mean I wasnt being a stalker or anything but Lisa made me search him up on facebook and my my my his business is thriving I wont lie. . He still looked handsome even thou he was dirty. Lapho I was wearing my leggings and a big jacket that once belonged to Thabiso.

Noxolo: okay fine I guess you can take me home.
Njabulo: okay hop in my lady, I'll get your bag.
Noxolo: Thank you. " I got inside the car while he put my bag inside the car , he also got in and started the car.
Him: so where am I dropping you off?
Me: I will direct you.
Him: okay.. by the way I'm still waiting for that call.
Me: eh it looks like you'll wait for years ke cause I'm not having a car anytime soon.
Him: can I atleast have your number then, maybe we can go out to some dinner while we wait for you to get a car. "
Me: okay, I'll give you a call sooner than you think. "

We then drove around in comfortable silence with me occasionally directing him to where we were going.
Me: Thank you for driving me here " I said getting out of the car
Him: ngyajabula ukukusiza
- it's my pleasure helping you.
He took out my bag and gave it to me.
Him: go well my lady," I gave him a little smile and got inside the gate. He stood there until I was inside the house.
I saw him leaving through the window.
Lisa: and then the blushing? Who dropped you off?
Me: I'm not blushing. Can you believe that I met with Njabulo and he insisted that he brings me here
Lisa: OMG friend this means that you're made for each other, I mean you already find him very attractive
Me: eh Lisa No, he is just a good kind guy that has helped me, well insisted on helping me twice .
Lisa: I can already see you together
Me: you're crazy . Let me tell you about what happened kwaCele. U Lungile uthi kimi mina ngigqoka izimpahla zakho 18th century mngani, kmele ngcela wena for I fashion advice . "
- Lungile said to mee that I wear clothes from 18th century friend, I should ask you for fashion advice"
Lisa: ( she burst out laughing) she doesn't know you, maybe she said all this because she saw you wearing leggings
Me: ah I really dont care what she thinks of me really. She's just a sour person . Period
Lisa: ah let's just drop this , let's close this chapter it's over , by the way I'm taking you out today I got paid
Me: oh Lisa I am..
Lisa: I'm not taking no for an answer , so get ready please
Me: okay fine ..
Lisa: yaaaas, its Saturday let's unwind and go get some drinks
Me: drinks Lisa?
Lisa: yes, get ready by 4 we are leaving, we have to start somewhere before leaving

Njabulo pov

Seeing Noxolo today really made my day, I really wasnt expecting on seeing her , I was just coming from fixing a car of one of my client .
I drove straight home after I dropped her off, I had to get rid of all this grease and oil from my body. I still had to go and check out the place that Bongeka found. When I got home Bongeka was waiting in the door for me I think
Her: Brother I've already ironed your clothes and prepared your food"

I guess she is just too eager for us to leave hey
Me: oh okay I'll just go and bath, I'll eat later.
Her: Brandon came over by the shop...
Me: oh what did he want?
Her: he said hes gonna call you.
Me: You know I dont like you talking to my friend. Look at you , you are even blushing
Her: I'm not, I'm dark so I cant blush" she said looking down.
Me: Ai Bongeka , let me go I'm sure Brandon wants us to go and grab some drinks later . Wena just get ready so we can leave .
Her: okay.

Thabani POV.

Things haven't been going according to my plan. Lungile has shown me time and time again that she is not willing to take care of my demands , it is time now that I think only for my self . Ever since all of this started I've been very much thinking of her too. But right now I do not care cause vele she has fallen out of love with me.

I've sent these little notes to Thabiso it's going to start small and at the end it will reveal that he is not the father of Lungile's child. But first I have to make sure that It will look like I wasnt involved . I know that Lungi is a very easy woman , and she's a con artist at heart. Once she meets someone with more money than Thabiso she is so gonna be cheating .

I know she is getting bored staying at home alone not working so I have a perfect plan for her. I have a friend that owes me so I'm sure he would do this for me in a heart beat. I'm gonna create a guy to fake date Lungile and I'm gonna make sure that Thabiso finds out in a way that he will also doubt the baby being his and perform a DNA test.
It is time now that they both go down. It is time.

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