Chapter 46

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Chapter 46


I helped Lungile with looking for Sebenzile and sadly we did not find her anywhere and she said she will just have to keep on looking by foot. And I just couldn't let a lady go looking for someone she does not know where she will find plus it's already late so I offered her a place to sleep for tonight and she will wake up early and continue with her search of Sebenzile.
I led her to the spare bedroom. Luckily Noxolo already cooked so I dished up for us and ate.
Her: You really know how to cook hey .
Me: My girlfriend cooked before she left
Her: she Is really good, you live with her?
Me: You can say that cause most of the time she is here plus we work together
Her: wont you get bored of each other thou? Seeing each other 24/7 ?
Me: the way I love her I will never ever get bored of her. Besides we aren't always together at work. She works at the office and I'm always out.
Her: mmmh.
We finished eating and Lungile took the plates to the kitchen .I received a call from Noxolo.
Me: wifey.
Her: not yet.. but u sharp? Lisa and I have decided to eat out maybe we will also grab some drinks
Me: Okay babe. I just miss you. I dont know how I'm gonna fall asleep today sleeping alone.
Her: you'll just have to be strong my love . Have you eaten .?
Me: Yes. I actually wanted to tell you that I.. "
" I'm done washing the about I go and bath now?" Lungile said coming toward me.
Noxolo: who was that? I've been gone for only a few minutes and you are already inviting girls to your place?
Me: it's not like that baby, I was just about to tell you that Lungile was looking for her sister and it got late so i offered her a place to sleep, only for tonight. She's is new in town so she doesn't know anyone except for her sister that she couldn't find "
Noxolo: oh it better be that only, but couldn't she go to the hotel?"
Me: I didnt ask babe. I'm sorry "
Noxolo: its okay, just tell her to stay away from my man. I'll come by ngo7 tomorrow morning "
Me: Trust me babe. Listen let me show her the room she will sleep at and I'm going to call you before I fall asleep."
Noxolo: and I will make sure to answer. I love you, Lisa is giving me a stinky eye now
Me: I love you more , have fun. " she dropped the call .
Lungile was just standing there looking at me.
Lungile: I can tell that you really love this woman by looking at your eyes
Me: she means the world and more to me , and what's even more nice is knowing that she loves me just as much .
Lungile: that's good. Let me go now and sleep.
Me: sleep well.


He is just amazing. I could see when he spoke of her that he really have serious feeling for her. He loves her. The happiness in his face when he was on the call with her was beautiful to watch. The way things are looking I'm stuck between the rock and the hard place . How can I ruin something this beautiful knowingly. Atleast last time with Tee It was just business . I hurt that lady and she didnt do anything to me. Am I willing to hurt her again ? . What proof do I have that after I've caused havoc in their relationship she will go back to Thabiso? I'm in fact playing with my life for someone that doesn't care about me. He doesnt even think about me so why should I feel the need to make everything right when they are right just the way they are right now.

I will not ruin Noxolo twice. I have decided I'm leaving. But I will first wait for Njabulo to fall asleep before I leave. .


Honestly speaking I did not enjoy my outing with Lisa just as much as I would have wanted to because I kept on thinking about this Lungile person that was with my man.
The next morning I woke up very early and the cab took me to Baez's place. When I got there I opened with my own key and surprisingly it wasnt locked. So I got in and quickly went to our bedroom. And my baby was still sleeping. I got out and checked the other rooms and there was no sign of another person being here.
I went to the kitchen to make breakfast for us since I left without eating kuLisa.
" mmmh its smells good in here "
Me: Good Morning babes, I'm almost done here"
Him: when did you get here?
Me: not too long ago, where is your guest?
Him: in the guest room
Me: mmh theres no sign of anyone ever being there my love. Sit down so I'll dish up for you.

This thing of Njabulo's guest disappearing over night doesn't sit well with me. I mean why would she leave and Njabulo is also confused just as I am
Me: Maybe she found the sister she was looking for.
Him: I highly doubt that. I mean we looked all over this neighborhood
Me: or maybe she was here on a mission. Can you please tell me how did she look like? "

He explained what he could remember and I took my phone and went to Facebook.
Me: is this her?
Him: Yes that's her, how do you know her?"
Me: this bitch is testing me. " I said and stood up
Him: Calm down babe and tell me within umazelaphi."
-"... and tell me where you know her from"
Me: She is Thabiso's wife.
Him: Whaaat? I let that person sleep here
Me: I'm telling you baby she was on a mission to destroy
Him: mmh I wonder what changed her mind
Me: Its obvious that there was no sister she was looking for. She just wanted a way to get in here, and how can we know that she didnt put anything in this house . She doesn't know me"
Him: Baby come sit down and calm down please. You are not supposed to be stressing
Me: See your good heart has opened the door to snakes. Aaargg I'm so angry right now"
Him: I know I know, i'm sorry . If I knew her picture I wouldn't have even spoken to her I swear. I was just trying to help a lady that claimed she was new at town".
Me: its fine my love. But between me and Lungile it's far from being fine . "

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