Gaming Time

485 18 14

Hajime POV 

I walked over to the park and Akane was already celebrating.

Akane: Hell Yeah! First place! The curry is mine! 

Hajime: You fell for it!?!?

Sonia: I am curious on what type of curry it will be.

Ibuki: Anybody know the scientific term for "getting excited for curry"?

Fuyuhiko: Why are you bastards so excited for something stupid? OI MONOKUMA, GET OUT HERE NOW!

Monokuma: My,My, teens today are so impatient. But anyways, here I am.

Akane: Hey monokuma, I was the first one here so that curry is mine!

Monokuma: No that's wrong. Diablo was here first.

We all looked around with shocked look on our faces because nobody noticed him.

Diablo: Sup bitches.

Akane: What? No! When did.....?

Diablo: Sorry Akane, but the curry is mine. For I am faster than you.

Akane: NO FAIR!

Monokuma: Now then, I will prepare my special monokuma curry.

Diablo: I will eat it and call it payback for tying me up without my permission.

Monokuma: And since Diablo won, I'll make sure put fill it with extra love.

Diablo: I will now ignore that last comment.

Hajime: What's even in the curry anyway?

Monokuma: Unidentified meat, wilting vegetables, and a mysterious rice brand.

Mahiru: I don't think you'd want to eat that, Diablo.

Ibuki: Don't worry, it takes skill to make curry taste bad. 

Diablo: By the way, what's that thing?

Diablo pointed to something covered in a white sheet. Chiaki visibly looked excited

Chiaki: It's an arcade game!

Monokuma: Correct!

Hajime: Wait, so you want us to play a video game? Who would fall for something like that?

Chiaki: *breathing heavily* Hey! What kind of games are on it?

Oh yeah.

Monokuma: Well, there's only one. And it's made by yours truley! Puhuhuhuhuhuhu!

Fizzy Pop Simp: You made that game? 

"Virgin" Princess: Then please excuse us while we are not excited.

Diablo: It's probably something stupid. Like atari-level stupid.

Monokuma: No No, this is something way better than some indie game. I made a sequel to a legendary game everyone has been waiting for!

Diablo: Mario Sports Mix?

Monokuma: What?

Diablo: Don't mind me.

Monokuma: Anyways... The name of the game is.... Twilight Syndrome Murder Case!

Hiyoko: That sounds sooooo lame. I think games with a professor that solves puzzles or where you collect cute monsters is better. I'm more interested in whatever game Diablo just said.

Chiaki: Twilight Syndrome is an adventure game series released in 1996. The story revolves around high school girls solve urban legends. It is also known for it's unique vertical scrolling stages where the characters move freely.

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