Just what I need to hear

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First onshot... here goes nothing

Jasmine looked up from her phone as she heard the door slam, concern gracing her soft features as she set out to investigate the source of the noise.  When she got down the stairs she could see her fiancee standing by the door with a mix of anger and sadness on his face. 

As much as she wanted to talk to him, she knew that wasn't what he needed at the moment.  He nearly collapsed into her arms as she held him tight, stroking his head as he choked back a sob.  "Shhhh baby.  It's gonna be ok.  Whatever it is, we can fix it."

She kept her arms around him as she lead him to the couch.  She sat him down and crouched infront of him, so that she could look him in the eye.  "Can you tell me what happened bubba?" 

Anthony sniffled as he tried to control his rapidly falling tears.  "I was just walking in the park, I needed to clear my head.  I-I saw my father there." 

Jasmine knew that his relationship with his father was strained to say the least, but she still couldn't understand why he was so sad.  Usually encounters like this caused him to burn in anger, not breakdown in tears. 

"Ant, baby, can you tell me why it made you so upset?"  Anthony nodded as he pulled her onto the couch so she could hold him.  "He wanted to talk with me, but I told him I didn't want to hear it.  It's always the same thing, how he wants to try and come back into my life.  I told him to back off, told him that I don't need him, haven't since I met Lin."  Jasmine just listened as her fiancee continued.

"I shamed him for leaving.  Told him how much it hurt.  We were both angry.  H-he told me that m-maybe he left b-because he didn't want u-us." 

Anthony was barley able to get the last part out before bursting into a fresh set of tears, the pain of the words coming back for a second blow.  "Oh Ant, I'm so sorry darling."  Jasmine could only try to comfort him, as she knew that he would need more than one hug to heal the wounds he had. 

"Why Jas?  Why did he leave?  Why didn't he want us?"  Anthony continued to cry into his fiancee's arms, the patterns she was tracing on his back slowly starting to calm him down.  "I don't know darling, I wish I did.  Sometimes there aren't really explinations for these types of things." 

Anthony nodded as his tears reduced to sniffles.  Jasmine pulled back to cup his cheek and wipe the last of his tears.  "Just remember that I love you.  So does Ma, and Mario, and Steph.  You got a whole lot of people who care for you."

"Thank you Jas."  He smiled slightly as he pulled her into a hug.  "You always know just what I need to hear." 

508 words.

Kinda short, but not too bad if I do say so myself.

Anyways, have a great day!

- Sarah :)

Janthony OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora