Gut feeling - Part 2

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Thank you to _Peggy_C_Schuyler for inspiring me to finish this. Your kind words were the push I needed to continue this :)

She didn't think she could give birth without Anthony by her side, and there was no way he could get there in time... right?

"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom." Steph nodded as she paused the movie. As Jasmine stood up, she felt a sudden gush. Looking down to see a puddle of water, she immediately sat back down and burst into tears. "Woah, hey, what's going on Jas?" Steph had never seen her sister in law in such hysterics, and it scared her a bit to see her all worked up.

"M-my water just b-broke, which means that the baby's coming, but I ca-can't do it without Ant." Mildred could hear the commotion from upstairs, and quickly made her way to the living room to see what was going on.

"Mi hija, what's going on?" Jas just shook her head, so Steph spoke up in her place. "Her water just broke, but she doesn't want to give birth without Ant here." Mildred sighed as she decided on the best course of action.

"Ok, Stephanie, go call your brother. Tell him what's going on, but don't freak him out. Jasmine, get comfortable on the couch. I'll stay with you until Steph is done, and then we'll go to the hospital. You brought the hospital bag with you right?" Jasmine nodded her head as another contraction hit, much closer to her last, much to her dismay.

Steph went to the other room to call Anthony, only to go straight to voicemail. 7 calls later, she rejoined the other two women in the living room with slightly panicked eyes. "What? What's wrong? What happened?!" Jasmine could read her sister in law like a book, and she was afraid of what the answer would be. "Is he okay? Is my husband okay?" "Yea Jas, I'm sure he's fine. He just isn't picking up, that's all. He's probably filming."

Meanwhile high in the sky, Anthony was doing everything he could to stay calm for the remaining 10 minutes of his flight. His gut feeling was only getting stronger, but he couldn't call home due to his phone being on airplane mode. When he was finally on New York ground again, he turned his phone back to normal.

7 missed calls from: Steph 💛

Anthony felt his breathing hitch as he pressed call, having to sit down to keep from passing out.

"Hey Ant-" "Is she okay? Is my wife okay?" "Yea, she's okay. Her water broke a while ago, and we're on our way to the hospital now. Jas is pretty scared without you here. Maybe try to get a flight home soon?" Anthony chuckled slightly, wanting to keep his return a surprise until the last possible minute.

"Alright, I'll be there as soon as I can. Tell Jas that she's gonna be okay." "Ya, okay. Just... get here. I've never seen Jas so terrified, and it's making me scared." Anthony's heart broke at this, but he reminded himself that he would be there to support her soon. "Alright. Te amo."

The phone just simply disconnected, Steph never being one to show verbal affection for anyone except their mother. He broke into a sprint towards baggage claim, praying that the lines wouldn't be long. He was going to be there for the birth of his child, even if it was the last thing he did.

"Jasmine, mi hija, I need you to breathe. You're not helping anything by hyperventilating." Jasmine just shook her head as sobs continued to rock her small frame. "I can't do this without Ant. I just can't." They were now at the hospital, Jas situated on the bed with Mildred in the chair beside her. Steph had told everyone that she went to go get coffee, but in reality she went to call her brother again.

Ant was in the back of a taxi on his way to the hospital when Steph called again, another wave of panic washing over him as he thought of what could possibly be wrong this time.

"Hey Steph, what's u-" "You need to get here now. You're wife is in complete hysterics, and there is nothing that Ma or I can do to calm her down." Anthony sighed as he decided on whether or not to spill his secret. "Okay, look. I'm in a taxi right now about 10 minutes away for the hospital, it's a long story but I'll be there soon. Just don't tell Jas, okay? I want it to be a surprise."

He heard a scoff on the other end. "Don't tell Jas? Don't tell Jas?! Anthony, she has been having the biggest panic attack I HAVE EVER SEEN, and you want me to keep the one thing that will calm her down a secret?!?!?! I don't think so! I'm going to tell her whether you like it or not. See you in 10."

He heard the line click as he looked back out the window. His sister rarely got so worked up about things, but when she did, he knew it was important. Fiddling with his ring, he asked the driver if it possible to go any faster, the driver only laughing as he pointed at the busy streets of New York City.

"Hey! Jas! I have some good news. Ant's on his way. He's gonna be here for the birth!" Jasmine just shook her head as she continued to shake, becoming more and more exhausted between her panic attack and the contractions, which kept getting stronger.

"H-he won't be able to m-make it in ti-time, he's all the way in LA!" Steph just shook her head as she took hold of her sister in law's hand. "I don't know the details, but he called and said that he was just 10 minutes away. It's probably only 5 minutes now."

This stopped Jasmine from panicking for just a second, enough to time to catch her breath. "Really?" she asked in disbelief.


The sound of his voice fully shook her out of her panic, a gasp escaping her lips as he rushed to the side of her bed, his embrace light yet meaningful.

"W-what are you d-doing here? I thought y-you were in LA!" Anthony chuckled as he pressed a light kiss to his wife's head. "I had this gut feeling for a while, so I knew I needed to come back. I didn't answer Steph's first calls because I was on a plane."

Jasmine giggled as she felt relief from her latest contraction. "You, my love, are unbelievable. But I'm so glad you're here for her birth." Just then, a doctor walked in to do another exam. "Alright Jasmine, it looks like you're ready. When your next contraction hits, I want you to push just like we practiced, okay?"

Jasmine nodded as she she shifted in the bed, making room for Anthony to support her from behind. While she was still scared, she had much more peace of mind knowing that he was there to support her.

20 minutes into pushing, Jasmine was already almost done. The pain was at an unbearable level when she suddenly felt the release of pressure she was waiting for. Her daughter's cries filled the room as she collapsed back into her husband, exhausted.

"You were so amazing, lovely. Absolutely incredible." Jasmine smiled as she waited for her baby to be cleaned up so she could hold her. "Thanks bubba. I couldn't have done it without you though. Thank you for coming home."

Anthony continued to rub up and down her side, from shoulder to hip, further relaxing her. "Don't thank me, thank my gut.", he said, winking at the end.

1308 words.

a/n - bit longer than I was expecting, but oh well! I'm planning pure fluff for the next one, so get ready!

Have a great day!

- Sarah :)

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