No air

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It had been 3 days since the couples first fight. While the "fight" was exclusivley Anthony yelling and using some questionable words to describe Jasmine, it hurt her all the same, and she had been actively avoiding him since.

The cast immediately noticed the difference, as the couple always brought light into the theater.

While their PDA was sometimes a little much, it was prefered to seeing Jasmine walk a whole hallway more than she needed to just to avaid running into Anthony on her way to her dressing room.

Dancing during "Helpless" was a struggle, but Jasmine made sure to look at Anthony with nothing but a blank stare, no matter how many funny faces he pulled, or how many whispered apologies he provided.

It got to the point where he had asked both Pippa and Renee to talk with her, but to no avail. She simply would not hear him out.

While it took a lot to hurt Jasmine, words had special a way of knocking her down, no matter how small.

Oh how she wished that sticks and stones would break her bones and words wouldn't, but such was not the case.

Her self image wasn't always the best, and with the things Anthony called her only solidifying her negative image, she was taken to a low even she wasn't aware was possible.

It wasn't until Anthony finally cornered her in her dressing room one day that she finally acknowledged his existence.

It was a two show day, the cast just hanging out to fill the hours between the matinee and evening performance.

She was sat in the little chair in her room, chatting with Pippa and Renee when Anthony walked in.

She felt like bursting into tears the second she saw him, but she wasn't going to let it show.  Instead, she simply continued to tell her story, ignoring the amazingly handsome elephant in the room.

"Jas babe—"

She cut him off in a sharp tone.

"You don't get to call me that."

Renee quickly backed out of the room, signalling for Pippa to do the same.  She desperately wanted the two to make up, and she knew they needed their space in order for that to happen.

"Okay, I'm sorry.  Jasmine.  You don't have to talk to me or anything, but I really want you to hear me out, I just—"

She cut him off again, this time standing and raising her voice.

"It's always about you, isn't it. Huh?  Always what you want, what you need.  Did you even stop to think about how the way you talked to me would make me feel?  How maybe, just maybe I'm an actual human being with feelings, and not just some punching bag for you when you have a rough day?  If everything is going to always be about you, then you can just leave now because—"

It was his turn to cut her off.

"I NEED YOU JASMINE!  And if that makes me selfish for needing you in my life, then so be it."

She cocked an eyebrow, but said nothing.

"Hell, it's been three days and already I feel like I can't live, can't breathe without you.  Like there's no air when you're gone."

Her face softened at this, knowing that she felt the same way. Though she wasn't ready to admit that just yet.

"I know what I did was wrong.  I had a bad day, and I took it out on you.  I yelled, and I called you rude names.  I wish I could take it back, because all you were trying to do was help me.  I swear on my life that it will never happen again.  Please, please let me show you how sorry I am."

He had tears streaming down his face by the end of his speech, and Jasmine could tell just how genuinely sorry he really was.

She sighed, opening her arms as he quickly rushed into her embrace, squeezing a little too tight for her liking, but she decided to let it go.  He was still crying with a string of sorrys running from his mouth.

She sat down on her chair lifting his face to look at her.

"I forgive you.  And, well, I feel the same.  It was exhausting trying to stay mad at you, and it was a struggle to function without you."

He sniffled, a small smile forming on his lips.  "Thanks Jas.  I promise it will never happen again.  I love you."

He was just as surprised as she was at the end of his sentence, both of them tensing up before she relaxed and gave him a soft but passionate kiss.

"I love you too Ant.  More than you'll ever know."

They stayed like that, wrapped around each other, until it was time to get ready for their next show.

While Jasmine was in the washroom, Renee and Pippa were talking.

"I'm so glad those two are back to being those two.  I would've given up on love all together of they broke up!"

Pippa broke into giggles as she tried to do her lipstick.

"But Ren, you're married!"

Renee smiled.

"Exactly hun, exactly."

878 words
a/n - I hate it when I have a good idea but execute it poorly *sigh* oh well.

Have a great day!
- Sarah :)

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