So proud of you

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tw: mentions of anxiety

Anthony was woken up to a panicked Jasmine shaking his shoulder. He hadn't been asleep for very long, his glance at the clock confirming that as it read just after midnight. He rubbed his eyes as he sat up.

"What's the matter baby girl?" Jasmine bit her lip and looked down before responding. "I think I might be... sorta.. maybe having contractions?"

It came out as more of a question than anything, and Anthony shot straight up, more awake now than ever. "Wait like real ones? But you're not even 8 months yet. Is baby gonna be ok? Are you gonna be ok? What if-" Jasmine stopped his rambling with a hand on his shoulder, looking him straight in the eye.

"You're freaking out right now, and I need you to stop. Because when you freak out, I freak out. And we both know what happens when I freak out." Anthony nodded as he recalled the previous anxiety attacks he'd helped her out of, the most recent being a few nights prior to this one. While sometimes it was easy to calm her down, others it was quite difficult to get her grounded again.

"M sorry. How can I help you and baby?" Jasmine thought about it for a second before coming to a conclusion. "Maybe go and put the hospital bag by the door, and then come stay with me. These things already hurt like crazy, and I'm gonna need some support."

Anthony just nodded and headed down the stairs with a purple duffle bag in tow. His mind raced as he thought of all the things that could go wrong. The thought of losing his wife or his unborn daughter was unbareable, and he pushed it away as he made his way back upstairs, his focus shifting to his wife, who was sitting up in bed, face twisted in pain.

He rushed to her side and held her hand as she squeezed it like it was the only thing she knew how to do. "Breathe bubba, just breathe." Jasmine nodded and tried to do as her husband said. She collapsed back into the pillows as the contraction ended, looking at her husband with defeated eyes.

"I don't think I'll be able to do this. If I can barely get through a contraction, how the heck am I supposed to give birth?" Anthony just rubbed her back to alleviate some of the pain. "I don't want you to think about that right now, okay baby girl? Just focus on me right now. The rest will come in time." He quite honestly didn't know what he was saying, but he could see that it was working, so he continued.

"I'm gonna go and run us a bath, you stay here and get comfortable until I get back, okay?" Jasmine nodded as she continued to catch her breath. "Ya... okay that sound nice."

Anthony smiled as he went into their bathroom to get the water running, knowing that baths always cheered her up. Just as the bath was finished filling, Jasmine called, well more screamed his name, her voice filled with panic. He swiftly turned off the water and rushed back to the bedroom, where he saw his wife in complete hysterics.

"We g-gotta go, w-we gotta go now." Anthony's brows furrowed as he tried to desipher what his wife was saying. "Slow down bubba. Take deep breaths baby, deep breaths." Jasmine consentrated on her breathing as she tried to calm herself down, and after a couple of minutes Anthony could see a considerable difference. "Ok, now what is it that happened?" Jasmine looked up at her husband and said the words that she was both excited and dreading to say. "My water broke." Anthony looked up at her in surprise. "Oh, o-ok. Does that mean we have to go to the hospital now?" Jas just nodded her head as she tried to mentally prepare herself for what was coming. "Okay. Let's get you down to the car, and then we can call Ma on our way. Sound good?" Jasmine just simply nodded again before putting her hand on his arm as he started to get up. "Hang on, I think another one's coming." And boy was she right.

By the time her next contraction was over, Jasmine could hardly find the energy to get up. While she was beyond excited to meet her little girl, the endless list of complications in her mind made her fear for the worst. Still, she got up, with the help of Anthony, and together they made their way to the car, only having to pause once for another contraction.

After Anthony had helped her into the car, he unlocked his phone before handing it to her.  She was quickly able to find her mother in law's contact, hesitating for a second before hitting call.

Mildred picked up on the fourth ring, not expecting anyone to be calling her so late at night.

¡Mi bondad Anthony! ¡Casi la 1 de la mañana!
¿Qué está pasando? (My goodness Anthony! It's nearly 1 in the morning! What's going on?)

"Ma? It's Jasmine. C-can you meet us at the hospital?" Anthony started the car as they both heard a gasp on the other end of the phone. "Of course, of course! Is everything alright mi hija?" Jasmine bit her lip, earning a reassuring nod from her husband. "Not really. I think I'm going into labour. My water broke a few minutes ago."

Jasmine could feel another contraction coming, and wanted to get the phone call over with before the pain took over. "Okay mis hijos, I'm on my way. Jasmine, you're gonna be okay. Anthony, comfort your wife. She's in more pain than you will ever understand." Anthony chuckled at this. "Yes Ma, te amo." "Te amo. I'll meet you at the hospital soon."

The call ended just as another contraction started, Jasmine reaching for Anthony's hand as the pain worsened.

"Breathe bubba, just breathe. We'll be at the hospital in a couple of minutes." Jasmine nodded as she tried her best to regulate her breathing, and failed miserably. "Ya, o-ok."

After arriving at the hospital, Jasmine was quickly given a room, and was now situated on the bed, crying into her husbands arms.

"I'm so scared.  It's so early.  What's gonna happen to baby?  What if she doesn't make it?  What if I don't make it?  What if-" this time it was Anthony's turn to stop her rambling, tracing light patterns on her back to calm her down.  "We'll be okay beautiful.  You'll be okay, baby girl will be okay.  The doctors know what they're doing.  They'll make sure that everyone is just fine, you hear?"  Jasmine nodded as she calmed down.

Just then Anthony's mother came in the room, shooing Anthony away and taking his spot beside Jasmine on the bed.  "As much as I hate to say it, your husband is right.  These guys know what they're doing.  You're gonna be just fine."  Jasmine smiled weakly at her mother in law.  "Thanks Ma."  Mildred simply kissed her forehead.  "Of course mi hija." Mildred moved so the her son could resume his position beside his wife, and went to be seated in a chair a little ways away from Jasmine's bed. She said a quick prayer for both Jasmine and the baby, before rejoining her family.

Jasmine was still terrified of what was to come, but she knew that her family was there, and would support her through all of it.

A little while later, after what felt like the longest 6 hours of her life, Jasmine was sitting in the NICU with her newborn baby girl in her arms. While complications were minimal, she still had to spend some time in an incubator.

Anthony watched his 2 girls and felt his heart swell, a newfound love taking over all of his senses. "You were so incredibly baby, you have no idea how proud I am of you." Jasmine looked up at her husband and smiled. "Thank you bubba. You wanna hold her?" Anthony simply reached down and scooped up his little girl, almost breaking out in tears as she grasped his finger with her little hand. "Hi baby, ohh you're so precious. I love you so much, and I promise to try to be the best dad that I can for you."

Jasmine's heart melted at his words, a thought coming to her. "We still need a name for baby." Anthony looked at his daughter for a second before looking back at his wife. "Lucy. She looks like a Lucy." Jasmine smiled, already falling in love with the name. "And maybe Kim as middle name, after my mom?" "It sounds perfect. Lucy Kim Ramos." He handed her over to the nurse, who put her back in the incubator, and he took Jas back to her recovery room.

"I love you so much." Jasmine was quickly falling asleep, but she had just enough energy to hear what he said next. "I love you so much too.  Words can't describe how proud I am of you. Lucy is so lucky to have you as a mom, and I'm so lucky to have you as a wife." Jasmine fell asleep with a smile on her face, her husband not far behind her.

1564 words

bit of a long one, but oh well
again, vote and comment and stuff if you want, I always appreciate the feedback

have a great day!

- Sarah :)

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