Monsters in my head

401 13 2

tw: panic attack

I know I said that the next one was gonna be pure fluff, but I lied.  Sorry!  I started writing this one and I ended up being pretty proud of it, so here it is.  Enjoy!

They were nearing the end of filming for #FreeRayshawn, meaning that they were working on some of the more taxing scenes.  Anthony knew that Jasmine sometimes struggled with getting in the right headspace.  It was easy for her to slip too far, taking her into the darkest place in her head, making her battle with monsters she was never ready to face.

It was for that reason that he decided to stay with her for the last two weeks of filming, supporting her when she crumbled under the weight of the life she had to portray on screen.

They were all having lunch before an afternoon filled with filming when Jasmine excused herself from the group.  "I'm just gonna go to my trailer for a little bit, but I'll see you guys on set."  Everyone nodded, but Anthony stood with her.  "You mind if I come with you?"  Jasmine shook her head as she continued to gather her things

"Actually, ya I do.  I gotta do the ending scene, so it's gonna take some prep to get my emotions in check."  His worry was evident on his face, but he figured that she could handle herself for a little while.  "A'ight, I guess I'll see you on set then.  I love you."  Jasmine simply pecked his forehead before making her way to her trailer, already feeling the weight of the scene ahead of her.

30 minutes later, everyone was on set waiting for Jasmine to arrive so they could start filming.  Anthony had sent her numerous texts before finally deciding to set out to her trailer.  It wasn't like her to be late, punctuality being something that she was constantly butchering him about. 

He decided to knock instead of just barging in, in case she had accidentally fallen asleep or something of the sort.

"Baby, you in there?" 


"Jas?"  He pressed his ear to the door, listening for anything to indicate that she was alright. 

After a second, he was able to hear her breathing, quick and shallow.  Each breath was interrupted by a sob, his heart breaking as he heard his fiancée struggle on the other side of the door.

He quickly sent a text to the filming director letting him know that Jasmine wasn't going to be there for filming, before knocking again.  "Jas, babe, I'm gonna open the door now, alright?"  There was no response, so he pushed open the door, the sight he was met with breaking his heart even further.

Jasmine was sat in the middle of the room, curled upright into a sort of egg shape, sobbing uncontrollably and choking on every shallow breath she tried to take.

He was at her side in an instant, folding her in his embrace as she continued to sob and shake.  "Shhh baby, you're okay, you're alright.  I'm here, I've got you."  She latched onto him, her arms going around his mid section, her head buried in his shoulder.  "Shhh, just breathe Jazzy, just breathe.

He eventually stood, picking her up and bringing her over to the small couch in the corner of the trailer.  Her sobs had been replaced with whimpers, but her breathing was still shallow and shaky.

He pulled her onto his lap, before guiding her head to lay on his chest, shifting his shirt so that she could feel his skin against hers, something he knew gave her a sense of security.  "Lovely, I want you to listen to my heartbeat, okay.  Just listen to it, and think about the feeling of my skin on yours.  I've got you, you're okay."

She could only bring herself nod, her breathing slowly becoming more calmed and level.  "Good, you're doing so good my darling."

With her whimpers reduced to sniffles, he guided her head off of his chest, so she could look at him directly.  "Did you go too far?"  She nodded as her sniffles slowly turned into cries once again.  "I was doing okay, I was just getting into the right headspace.  Then it was like all of a s-sudden I tipped o-over the edge, and I c-couldn't get b-back out."

Seeing her go down the hole again, Anthony simply leaned back and pulled off his shirt, waiting for her to nod before pulling hers off too, pulling her back towards his chest.

"Shh, babe, you're alright now.  Can you feel my skin?"  He waited until she nodded before continuing.  "You can feel me beside you, you can touch me.  You're safe, alright?"

It took another 20 minutes before she was completely calm, the two of them cuddling on the couch as Jasmine fought off the sleep that seemed so inviting at the moment.

Anthony took to rubbing patterns on her back, knowing how absolutely draining her panic attacks could be, this one having been particularly severe.  She suddenly shot up, panic reaching her eyes once again, much to Anthony's dismay.

"Filming!  I have to go film!  Everyone's probably waiting for me, Ant I gotta go!"

"No, I let your director know that you wouldn't be there to film, he's giving you the rest of the day off.  Lay back down bubba, I know you're exhausted."

That was all the convincing it took for her to lay back down, his loving embrace making her eyelids feel impossibly heavy.

"Sleep my darling, it's okay.  I'm here.  You're safe."  Jasmine tucked herself further into him as she thanked him for helping her out of the darkness of her own brain.

"Of course, my love.  I'll always be here for you, you'll always be able to feel me beside you."

With that, she drifted off into a peaceful sleep, feeling fully secure in the embrace of her fiancé.  Anthony held her tightly, wanting nothing more than to be able to fight off the monsters in her head, and keep her safe for the rest of their days.

1024 words

a/n - okay, I PROMISE the next one will be pure fluff (I think)

Sorry if my description of a panic attack didn't make sense, it's honestly really hard to describe.

Have a great day!
- Sarah :)

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