Gut feeling - Part 1

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This was requested by Alyssa347886, hope it's okay! Feel free to let me know if y'all have any more requests :)

8 months ago

1 year and 7 months. Thats how long it had taken. But as Jasmine stared down at the two solid pink lines, she couldn't help but feel that all the waiting had been worth it. As much as she wanted to wait to get Ant a nice gift to tell him, she couldn't keep it in longer than the 5 minutes she already had. Finding his contact with shaky hands, she quickly pressed call.

He was in the studio when she called, his face creasing in concern as she never called him at work unless it was an emergency. He picked up on the second ring, slightly afraid of what he was going to hear. "Hey babygirl, everything oka-" "Ant I'm pregnant!"

Anthony sat there shocked for a second before replying. "You-you're pregnant?" Jasmine nodded before realizing that he couldn't see her. "Yes! I took like five and they all say pregnant!" Anthony couldn't even try to surpress his smile as he hurriedly packed up his things. "Oh my gosh babygirl, that's amazing. I'm on my way home now." Jasmine giggled as she hung up the phone, beyond excited to start this new chapter of her life.


And now, 8 months later, Anthony was beyond distressed. He had to go film his latest project in LA. LA is 2790 miles from New York. That's 2790 miles aways from his beautiful, very pregnant wife. He'd already tried backing out, but the contract he'd signed prevented him from doing so. While Jasmine repeatedly assured him that it was fine, he had a gut feeling that something would happen if he left her alone.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when his phone rang, smiling slightly when he saw that it was his mother. "Hey Ma, what's up?" There was a beat of silence on the other end before Mildred responded. "I should be asking you that mi hijo, you sound stressed." This made Anthony chuckle. Besides Jasmine, his mother was the only one who could tell when even the slightest thing was bugging him from hearing his voice alone.

"I am a little stressed actually. I have to go film in LA for a couple of weeks, and I don't want to leave Jas alone. She can't come with me because... well she's nine months pregnant. I don't wanna miss the birth, but at this point I'm just more concerned about her being on her own than anything else."

There was silence on the other end when he was done with his rant, the tell tale sign that his mother was thinking. "Well, Steph came to stay with me for a little while, so how about Jasmine comes to stay with me while you're gone? That way Steph will be there to keep her company, and I will be there for any medical help she may need."

Anthony nodded as he thought it over. "That actually makes a lot of sense, you being a retired nurse and all. I'll talk it over with Jas when she wakes up. Thanks Ma, te amo." "No problem mi hijo. Te amo." The call ended, and with that, Anthony set out to wake his sleeping wife, who would be grouchy if he let her sleep for too long.

Little did he know, Jasmine was standing at the bottom of the stairs, having heard the last of the conversation. "What was that about?" she asked through a yawn. "Oh, hey Jas! Didn't realize you were up."

Jasmine walked over and sat on the couch, Anthony taking a seat beside her, rubbing his hand over her bump. "Yea, I woke up a while ago, and I heard you talking so I came to investigate." she through another yawn. "So who was that?" Anthony rearanged himself so that he was facing her before answering her question.

"That was Ma. We were talking about how maybe you could go and stay with her and Steph while I'm away. Just in case... you know... anything happens."

Jasmine shook her head as she supressed a giggle. "I already told you that I would be fine. But, if it will make you feel better, I could always use some hangout time with my sister-in-law."

Anthony was releived at this, pulling Jas onto his lap and softly kissing her forehead. "Thank you babygirl, I love you". "Mmm, I know." was all she responded with.


And now, 2 weeks later, Ant was in LA for filming. It was his last week, but something just didn't feel right. His gut feeling had returned, and no matter how hard he tried, it wouldn't go away.

The feeling was always strongest when he was on FaceTime with Jas, and so next thing he knew, he was rushing to the airport to get the first flight home.  He told his director it was an emergency, and although that wasn't quite true, he was afraid it would be if he waited any longer.

His knee bounced up and down as he waited for his flight to be called, hoping that all was well back home.

Meanwhile, back in New York, Jasmine and Steph were having a great time.  They hadn't properly caught up in ages, and they were enjoying every second of their time together.  Jasmine had been feeling light contractions all morning, but she brushed them off as Braxton Hicks.  They had been suddenly getting stronger, but again, she just brushed it off.

She suddenly yelped as she felt a strong one hit 10 minutes into their third Disney movie of  the week.  "You good Jas?"  Jasmine just nodded as she tried to get her breathing under control.  When the contraction was over, she was feeling quite drained.

"That didn't look like Braxton Hicks to me."  Steph said with a slight edge in her voice.  "Ya, well it didn't feel like it either."  Secretly, Jasmine knew that these were real, but she was trying to ignore her current reality. She didn't think she could give birth without Anthony by her side, and there was no way he could get there in time... right?

1052 words

sorry I haven't updated in a while. My mental health has been pretty sucky lately, so I've been focusing on just staying afloat. Part 2 will hopefully be out soon, vote and comment and stuff if you want, it would make my day.

Have a great day!

- Sarah :)

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