I need to tell you something - Part 2

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Jasmine sighed as she walked into the kitchen, looking for things to clean.  Lucy was down for her nap, and she had cleaned the rest of her small apartment, so there were limited things to do to calm her nerves.  Anthony was going to be there an hour, and as excited as she was for him and Lucy to meet, her nerves were getting the best of her.  Her thoughts were cut short however, when she heard her little one calling for her. 

Jasmine made her way to the toddler's room, where the three year old was sitting up, and looking around for her mother.  "Hi mama!"  Jasmine smiled as she went over to pick her up.  "Good morning sunshine!  Did you have a good nap?" 

Lucy nodded as she rested her head on Jasmine's shoulder, still a little out of it from her nap.  "Do remember what today is Luc?"  The little one shook her head as Jasmine smiled.  "Today you're gonna meet Ant, mama's friend."  Lucy perked up at this, looking straight at her mother. 

"Does mama love Amphnee?"  Jasmine chuckled as she set her daughter down in the hallway.  "Yes, yes she does baby."  Lucy smiled at this as she continued to follow her mother into the living room.

"How about we do someting about that hair while we wait for him, ya?"  Jasmine asked as she messed with the toddler's curls, which were still unruly from her nap.  "Ok mama!"  So, for the next 45 minutes, Jasmine set to task with detangling and braiding Lucy's hair.  She was startled when the doorbell rang, seeing as Anthony wasn't supposed to be there for another 15 minutes.

"Mama is that Amphnee?"  The excitement in Lucy's voice was unmistakable, and Jasmine was reminded once again of how excited she was for her 2 favourite people to meet.  "It probably is.  Do you want to help me open the door?"  Lucy quickly nodded her head and bounded towards the door, Jasmine having to rush to keep up with her. 

While she loved her daughter dearly, her energy could be a little much sometimes.  "Luc, I need you to calm down a little bit.  I know you're excited, but please don't run."  Lucy looked panicked at the thought of having done something wrong, and was quick to hug her mother, well- rather her mothers leg.  "I sorry mama."  Jasmine smiled.  "It's alright little one."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, Anthony was practically swooning over the whole interaction.  He already loved Jasmine a lot, but seeing her with a child made him fall in love with her even more.  He had a goofy smile on his face when she opened the door, revealing her and just about the cutest three year old on the planet. 

"Hey bubba!"  Jasmine embraced her boyfriend in a quick hug before picking up Lucy and setting her on her hip.  "Ant, this is Lucy.  Lucy, can you say hi to Anthony?"  Lucy stuck her hand out as a form of waving.  "Hi Amphnee!"  Anthony smiled as he entered the small apartment.  "Hey Lucy, your mom's told me so much about you!"  "Really?"  Lucy was practically bouncing off the walls again as she talked to her new 'friend'.  "Do you want to see my toys?"  Anthony nodded before looking over at Jasmine, who just simply smiled.  "I can already tell that you two are going to get along great."

Later that evening, after Jasmine had put Lucy to bed, she and Anthony were sitting on the couch, finally enjoying some time alone without a hyperactive three year old running circles around them.  "She really likes you, you know."  Anthony smiled at this.  "I know. It sounds crazy, but I already love her like my own daughter." 

Jasmine's heart swelled at these words.  "I love you so much, Lucy does too."  Anthony embraced his girlfriend at those words, pressing a gentle, love filled kiss to her lips.  "I love you too beautiful and I can't wait to raise Lucy with you.  That is, if you'll have me?" 

It came out as more of a question than a statement, but Jasmine could hear the passion behind it none the less.  "You're welcome as long as you like."  Anthony chuckled at this, pressing another kiss to her forehead.  "Guess I'll be here forever then."  Jasmines heart fluttered. 

While the thought of someday marrying Anthony was one that brought her great joy, this moment only solidified her wishes.  'I'm going to marry this man' she thought, as she carfully tucked herself into her boyfriend's loving embrace.

767 words.

Have a great day

- Sarah :)

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