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It was the next day. I was lucky enough that Garrulous had an extra room for me. I definitely owe him a big one after this. Waking up, I started smelling something good. It smelled like some sort of meat, something I never tried in a long time...Usually, the only meat I'd eat would be a wolf or bear meat, but this is something else for sure. As I walked downstairs to the aroma of thyme, ginger, basil, butter, and oil, it showed Garrulous cooking.

"Good morning Lexus," he says.

"Morning' mate smells good," I say.

"Yeah, it is a ribeye steak, cooked to medium-rare."

"Hell yeah."

"Also, check the bathroom if Androida is in there," he says pointing to the restroom door.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, her dumb-ass sometimes sleeps in the restroom, also the steaks are done."

"Right..." I say confused. As I walked to the restroom door, I tried to take a listen to if anyone was inside. Hearing nothing I started to knock on the door. "Androida? Are you in there? Garrulous cooked breakfast."

I hear nothing. I knock one more time and no response. I sigh and turn the knob, it seems unlocked. "Okay, I'm coming in."

As I opened the door, I saw the sun. "Oh god!"

"L-Lexus..." I hear her say.

"S-Sorry I didn't know you were in there!"

"Did you not hear me? I said I was in here!"

"I didn't hear a response when I knocked!"

"How the fuck, just get out!" Androida says, throwing stuff at me.

"Ow, okay, wait gah!" I say as a toilet seat hits my head as my nose bleeds.

A few minutes later, I had a bandaid on my head.

"So you weren't sleeping on the bathroom floor again?" Garrulous says, cutting a piece of steak.

"What? No..."

"I smell a lot of cap."

I groan in pain, "Maybe you should've locked the door or something or at least yell."

"It's not my fault..."

"Kinda..." Garrulous says.

"I swear I will shove this steak far up your ass," Androida threatens.

I clear my throat, "So what happened after my father's death?"

"A lot of bad shit I tell you Lexus," Garrulous chews a piece of steak.

"Yeah, there were a lot of good things, but mostly a lot of bad shit that happened."

"Like what?" I ask for a hot cup of coffee.

"Well the good thing is that we got more robotic-type tools now, bad thing is that he made security tougher. Not only that some of the robots took the jobs of many so many are jobless and homeless. It's basically like that the holocaust except without the killing," Garrulous explains.

"Well that's deep isn't it?"

"Yeah, basically when you're out, especially your Lexus, you need to stay covered and make sure no one sees you."

"So what happened to you guys? What did you guys do when I was gone?"

"If you can't tell, I went to the army. During a campaign, I lost both of my arms as a sniper hit me."

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