Bonus Chapter: Father and Mother

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"And there your honor, I rest my case," I say sitting down.

"He has a good case. By the jury and judgment of the court, Kaminari Kyoka is here by claiming, innocent," the judge smacks his hammer.

As I walk out of the court my subject taps me in the shoulder, "Hey, Ryuu, thank you so much. I couldn't do anything if I didn't have you by my side."

"No problem. I'm just doing my job," I smile and pat his shoulder. I soon get in my car and drive back to the office building.

"Good afternoon Mr. Markyuusis," the receptionist says. "How was the trial."

"As always, a success."

"Good to hear."

"Indeed," I walk into an elevator and go up to my floor. Reaching my destination I was greeted by balloons and streamers everywhere in the office.

"Hey boss,~" a woman says to me.

"Hello there Abuscus," we hug, then let go. "What's with the celebration?"

"Do you not know? It's your 1000th case!"

"Huh? I'm surprised you even kept track."

"Yeah, it wasn't only 1000, it was 1000 successful trials."

"Am I really that good?"

"How many people hired you?"

"Too many to count," I chuckle. Everyone else laughed.

"I sometimes have to think how I got here you know. I was an orphan, my parents ditched me when I was a baby and I lived on my own," I heavily breathed and looked at my co-workers. "Anyway enough about me, let's get a little drink shall we?" The rest of the day was a party for all of us.

It was a dark and gloomy night on the third floor. I was but a little baby. I was abandoned by both of my parents and left in an orphanage. From time to time ever since I was introduced to books, I kept on reading. During meals I would read cook books and teach myself everything. The sisters taking care of us were nice and lovely. They took care of each child in their needs. I didn't need anything but books. My knowledge was larger than the others. I eventually came across magic and mastering many kinds of spells and powers like fire, ice, lighting, wind and earth.

By the time I attended school, I already knew how to write so I was ahead of the other kids by two years. I knew how to cound, speak, read, write and cook. I was known as the special bunch. The sisters took acknowledgement of this and assigned me to a prestigious academy in the higher levels of Androxia where those with higher standards in life lived. I was introduced to the government. I wanted to become a lawyer. Some of my classmates at that school thought I was a psycho for the even more extended knowledge I have. By 5th grade, the council moved me up to 7th grade. I was the youngest in my class, but I excelled more than them. I made little friends as I was the loner in the corner with a book, pen, and paper.

Within the years of highschool, I was able to get myself a computer and watch videos of how lawyers are working. I took government and political classes and got known for my knowledge and facts and questioning that gave the audience my attention. After graduation, I moved out of the orphanage as I was instantly taken to the university for layers. After seven more years. I got a job as a lawyer. Next, I wanted to become a senator.

A few years have passed and I have been elected as lead senator of Androida and have helped with many negotiations with other cities and countries gaining more power. I then married my co-worker and higher up, Abuscus and we had two children, Trygus and Lexus. It was the happiest moment of my life. Creating a family was all I wanted. I cherished every moment, but work took some of it away. As the elections came in, I was chosen to be one of the electors. Knowing the benefits and the words of the people, I eventually won and climbed the ranks into the King of Androxia.

It was a normal day. I was walking towards my quarters while I heard an explosion and clanging inside. Rushing inside, I was stopped by two of my men.

"Clark, Corvus, step aside, I need to know what happened," I say.

Their voice sounded deeper and distorted, something wasn't right. "Sorry Mr. Markyuusis, but we were ordered to eliminate you." They aim their rifles at me.

I sigh and take a step back. As a ring started to glow the two started firing at me, but I was able to make a shield out of my surrounding area and knock them back. I then rushed into my room but I get shocked by the sight. Tryus' legs were cut off, Abuscus on the side unconscious and Lexus on the bed, still asleep.

"Well well well Mr. Markyuusis."

"Mizuho, what are you doing?"

"Doing what I should've long ago." In a flash he dashed towards me and I felt a sharp pain in my chest. He was able to stab me and the blade punctured my heart. In a flash my vision turns black and my vision goes blurred. I could hear him speak.

"People of Androxia, here is your leader. Weak, helpless and unable to command you. I, Mizuho Karagami am your new leader and those that oppose me shall die, but first, I am ordering all military applicants to kill all those who are not human."

" bitch!" I struggle to say.

"Oh little Lexus, look at your father," he says as I hear his screams and cries.

"Leave him alone!"

"Or what?" He says, holding him above the ledge of the room.

"I'll kill you!"

"I'd like to see you try," he says, dropping Lexus into the river below.

"No!" As I scream in anger my vision slowly turns white.

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