King of Androxia

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We were suddenly met by a fortunate ally. I was told to go outside with Fei and the others to meet this Judy person. Fei, Androida, Garrulous and I walked out to make some negotiations with the coming army.

"I'm so glad you're okay Garrulous," Androida says, walking next to Garrulous.

Garrulous blushes a bit, "I'm glad to see you too."

I look back and sigh, look in front and smile. I forgot how the two got close together. Apparently they started dating for god knows how long.

As we walked through the forest, we came across thousands of soldiers, aircraft and vehicles. From one of the humvees a tall muscular woman plated with armor. I noticed she was a dragon from the silver, scaly tale, horns pointier than a bull's and wings that were folded back.

"Fei," the woman says. Her tone was deep and known that she has gone through hell and heaven.

"Judy, it's good to see you again. I'm glad that you took my call."

"No problem. I owed you for helping me, you know."

Fei chuckles, "True, anyway, Lexus, you might have not known but this is Judy, also known as Judgement."

"Judgement?" my memories shine. "You mean, the Judgement, chooser of life and death?" I ask.

"Quite a fan aren't you? Son of Ryuu."

I smile and scratch the back of my head, almost in a fanboy-like feeling. "Yeah, I used to watch your battles, negotiations and war efforts."

"Yeah, I also used to work for you father as well."


"Of course, I used to be in the guards until I switched to command, then to General."


"By the way, whose army is this?" Fei asks.

"Funny story actually..." she says.

"Don't tell me you overdid your command in the village."

"Yeah, I overdid it. It wasn't a village anymore...Zukotiv is more like a state now."

Fei sighs and shrugs it off, "Follow me, I'll show your army to the base and our plan."

After a few hours, we got everything settled in. Armies from both sides seemed to be getting well with each other and sharing their knowledge of combat and technologies of both. It took a while for all of us to get together but everything seemed to be good.

"Lexus," Judy asks.

"What's up?"

"Do you think it's time?"

I nod and take a deep breath. "Call in all platoon leaders." Within the briefing room, twenty platoon leaders from the ground troops, aerial and ground grouped up, waiting for my command."

Fei looks at me and nods. "First of all, I like to appreciate all of you that decide to fight along my side and disagree with what happened 17 years ago. A spy within the walls of the capital has given us information that the enemies have not completely rebuilt the wall of our previous attack. I want high bombers to attack the capital and only the capital." I point to the hologram in the middle of the room. I want artillery to bomb at least five meters of the wall for ground troops to advance in these positions. I want them to be surrounded. I want one of your battalions to be within the city, ready to attack when the signal is given and others on the rest of the side and some dropping from the air since the walls are rectangle-like. Those with blockades, I want to have our troops as much cover pushing through the walls as hard and fast as possible. Their robots have power, but they don't have as much smarts as we do. Fei has supplied all out troops with fresh weapons and ammunition that can penetrate through level 3 armor. Lastly, I wish this a successful fight and I want to see all of you after the capital is taken to congratulate all of you. Am I clear?"

All the soldiers stand up and then neal, "Yes your majesty!"

That day was a time of preparation and dawn was our time to go. There was no time for jokes and games. It was time of war. A time to take back the place I onced loved living.

As soon as the sun rose, the alarm rang and troops, vehicles and aircraft prepared their engines and gear. I got my mask on and my equipment and headed to the opening of the gates of our underground area. I headed to a vehicle with Captain Kashimov from the 302nd battalion of the Zukotiv Army.

"Lexus, it's glad to be riding with you to battle."

"My pleasure, let's make sure that those who will die here will be in vain."

"Yes sir."

As the green light hit, we deployed to the danger line of our previous attack. Almost unknown to the enemies' positions and tactics, we have hope for victory.

Reaching the line, we set in and called in airstrikes from thousands of feet above the skies. As the whistles of bombs drop explosions hit five areas of the walls. As the smoke starts, we all start to charge in with shields deployed. Thousands of bullets started raining down like a storm, crashing into our shields. They were unexpected from the other side. As we pushed in I spotted Trygus aiming at us, then shot her squad.

"It's good to see you again Trygus," I saw moving in.

"Brother, it's good to see you too," we shortly hug then move into the capital.

Gunshots from the capitol building started raining down harder as machine guns started raining down. Soon enough our tanks were able to take down the MGs and we moved into the building. With a submachine gun in my hand and a shield in the other, we pushed through into the building taking fire from all directions. Bodies from both sides drop like water and blood splatters like paint covers the pillars and walls throughout the building.

"Lexus, the owners room is right here," Trygus says, scanning the room through the wall.

"Mizuho is mine," I say as two soldiers put a breach charge.

The soldier with the charge calls it, "3, 2, 1, breaching!"

As the door bursts open, we push in, taking out the soldiers around him and disarming Mizuho. "It has seemed that you have gotten me, Lexus."

"Shut your mouth Mizuho, your reign ends here and the people deserve a better leader."

"Oh little Lexus, you're just a child the people think you're dead. So there will be no point for you here," he says, pulling out a photon sword my father owned and I tensed up.

I take out my spear and activate it getting into position, knowing that he wants a fight. As I lunge in, he blocks one of my attacks and I swipe around to counter, but he gets the best of me and strikes me on the edge of my arm, but nothing too bad. Mizuho may have a better weapon, but he doesn't have the skill to fight. As he lunges at me I dip under with my hand over with the spear, striking his arm off. Mizuho lies with pain and his arm bleeding out.

"Kashimov, turn on the broadcast," I say.

As the televisions turn on some of the soldiers point the camera at me. "Citizens of Androixa. You may not know me, but I am Lexus Markyuusis son of Ryuu Markyuusis. I am the rightful leader and heir to the throne of Androxia. It may be unbelievable, but," I unzip my vest and show a tattoo of a rifle with wings showing my mark of the Markyuusis family. "This should be enough proof."

"This man has killed many innocent lives and has brainwashed all of you, human or not to fight against one another. Those that I thought as brothers are now my enemies because of this man. A fake all because of a stupid rejection." I clenched my fist harder. "A killer of my mother, and a murderer of my father and traitor to Androxia, this man deserves the pain that I have gained through all my life." I could feel the fire in my body rize more than ever before. My horn grew and flashed red, but it was as dark as blood. "For the country and loved ones I lost, this is for you!"

I jab my spear through Mizuho's chest, causing a loud screech. As I remove the spear from his chest, it leaves a large hole, but I wasn't done. I backed up and twisted, gaining momentum and swung as his head, causing it to fly to recreate what happened to both of my parents.

"I, Lexus Markyuusis is the true King of Androxia!"

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