chapter seven

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"Everyone looks so happy here," Y/N murmured.
"Yea well, happy's easy when you're mindless on some yellow pill."  Diggle responded. "Let's just assume we weren't invited over for casserole."
"Green, what's our play?"
"We split up and find Thea.  Scope the houses, I'll head South," replied the vigilante.
The two men split opposite directions, leaving Y/N for the center houses.

A few minutes later, the comma crackled on. "I've got eyes on Thea.  Fourth house down.  Two hostiles with her." The sound of a bow string sounded before the commas went quiet once more.  Y/N made her way back around to the located house and quickly scoped the fight before joining in, saving the vigilante from a rough kick to the back.
The Arrow only acknowledged her presence after he asked if Thea was alright.  Y/N felt something off the moment Thea kicked the vigilante in the chest, knocking him back a few feet.  Someone behind Y/N quickly subdued her, as Thea held a gun towards the Arrow. "I have eyes on the intruders," Thea told someone on the other end of her comm, before directing her next words towards the two. "Move, and I will kill you."
"Thea...," Oliver slowly moved to stand up from his knees. "Listen to me.  You're not thinking clearly."
He was interrupted by a man wearing all black with a bow and arrow entering the room.  "In her defense, she's a little drugged at the moment."
Y/n felt another presence enter the scene from the upstairs balcony, and by the way Oliver tensed she figured so had he.  She risked a small glance up, and confirmed the hostile presence.  Only one up there.  Big machine gun. Probably military grade.  She focused back onto the man in black garb, ignoring their conversation.   Shit, where do I recognize that outfit.  Definitely not HYDRA, they don't really do that style.  Oh, ooohhhh no.  Shit I thought this guy died a while ago.

Chasing Arrows : Oliver Queen X Stark!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now