chapter four

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The three quickly left the warehouse, with Diggle allowing Y/N to ride on the back of his motorcycle to the bunker.  When they pulled up behind Oliver Queen's old campaign office, Y/N was very much confused.  "What are we doing here?"  She asked Dig.
"You'll see," Diggle replied with a smile.
The trio walked into the building through the front entrance. The Green Arrow pushed a hidden button on a wall, and an elevator opened up.  They all stepped inside, quickly reaching the bottom.  "Ya know, I've always wondered what other vigilantes' hideouts would look like," Y/N said, slowly looking at everything.  "Now I know."
Y/N noticed a blonde haired woman sitting in an office chair turn around at the sound of the elevator.  "Hi, I'm Felicity," she said, trying not to freak out too much.  "This is so cool.  Y/N Stark is in the Bunker.  Here.  In person.  I am so so sooo happy to meet you.  Sorry, I'm rambling. Aaaaannnd in 3....2....1."
Y/ N smiled, letting out a small chuckle. "Hi Felicity."
Diggle led her over to a metal bench to clean her up. She watched as Green Arrow, who still had his hood and mask up, and Felicity walk to a separate corner, talking quietly.


"Ya know, it would be a great idea if she were to join us......." Felicity started. "And she is—"
"I know who she is, Felicity," Oliver stopped her. "Which is why I brought her here, like you suggested, instead of the hospital. We need her if we're going to stop Damien Darhk."
"Do you know how long I've been wanting to meet her? Years! And now, we might actually be working with her."
The two of them walked back over to Diggle and Y/N, whose face was now cleaned and showing only small bruises.


"Y/N, we have a small problem here in Starling City and we—," Green Arrow was cut off by Felicity.
"We were wondering if you'd join us and help stop it?"
Y/N looked down, thinking. Tony sent me out of New York to get away from his and Steve's little 'civil war'. He'd be soooooo pissed if he learned that I'd thrown myself back into being a 'superhero' again. She looked back up. "Yea, I'm in."

Oof I'm on a role rn with writing lmao. Two chapters made so close together, in one month???? Who is she????
Anyway, thought that I should write another chapter just because I have so much time rn to just sit back. I just got done watching Iron Man 2 and I gotta say. I miss Nat being badass so much already. If you didn't notice, I changed what season this takes place because I think that the end of S4/Beginning of S5 was more time appropriate, just because I'm pretty sure that it's in 2016. Let me know if my math is off on it lmao.

Chasing Arrows : Oliver Queen X Stark!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now