chapter twelve

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Oliver Queen

Oliver, Thea, Diggle, and the girl made it out safe.  They had no idea where Y/N went, only knowing that while fighting Machin she had left to help Malcolm evacuate people. 
"Is anyone there?" Their comms crackled back to life.  "Green Arrow, Spartan, Speedy, Stark? Hell, I'll take Malcolm Merlyn at this point."
"We're safe.  No eyes on Stark, she's still in the rubble somewhere," Oliver answered.  "Where are you with RUBICON?"
"HIVE is locked out, we're good," Felicity answered.

"The city's safe," Oliver whispered.

"You sound like there's a 'but' to that sentence."

"People still need saving, Y/N is still buried under that rubble," Oliver replied, as a small red light lit up from his shoulder and a beeping sound followed.  He was confused, until he saw the small Y/I. S. carved into the device.  He detached it from his shoulder, noticing the beeping grow louder as he turned the tracker back towards the destruction.  "She left a tracker on me," Oliver told Felicity. "We'll find her soon."


Y/N Stark

She came to with a groan of pain.  Taking stock of her injuries, she was grateful to feel all her limbs, taking note of the harsh pain on her head and left leg.  Doesn't feel broken, she noted.  Good.  Maybe I can pull myself out from here. 
She was laying on her stomach, and tried to push herself up.  There was a bar trapped over her leg, the one with pain.  There was also smaller pieces of rubble strewn across her back, caking her in soot.  She was able to set herself up enough to sit on the bar.  As she collected herself to try and free her leg, the ringing in her ears softened enough to detect a faint beeping.  The tracker she put on the Green Arrow's suit in case of something like this.  "Over here!" She shouted.  "I'm okay, just a few cuts and bruises!" 

She could hear the men's heavy footfalls, noting only Diggle and Arrow had trekked out to find her.  As they reached closer, she hauled herself to turn around enough to get ahold of the bar trapping her leg.  It seemed as if no matter how hard she tried to bend the bar, it stayed in place.  Her only options were to try and cut through the metal or wait for the boys to get to her to help.  She decided to wait on them to reach her.

"Shit, Stark, you gave us a scare there," Diggle breathed a sigh of relief.  He knelt down beside her, taking in her soot-covered self and the bar trapping her leg.  "Might have to cut that out to free your leg."

"Yea, I figured," Y/N chuckled.  "Just glad that nothing else happened.  Also glad I left that tracker on you, Green.  Happened one too many times on missions with SHIELD.  Big Brother wouldn't let me leave on anymore missions without giving someone the other part."

Y/N and Oliver shared a look, seeming to stare at each other a little longer than necessary.  Y/N was the first to look away, though still feeling his stare on her. 

"We need to get back to Felicity, Darhk might already be there," Y/N rushed.  "If Felicity was able to get RUBICON offline, he'd go to her to get it back."

Chasing Arrows : Oliver Queen X Stark!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now