chapter three

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When Oliver and Diggle arrived to
Y/N's location, they were surprised to find that it was empty. All except for a few overturned chairs and........ blood. There was a trail of blood on the floor.
Oliver and Diggle agreed to split up, if only to find the girl faster. 


The Emerald Archer follows the blood to a set of stairs going to a basement. He descends them quickly but quietly, hoping that if anyone were still there, he might make a surprise attack.
The bottom of the stairs had a door that was slightly open, allowing for Oliver to hear a muffled voice yelling. He could faintly hear a female voice repeatedly saying something about not knowing.  Inching closer, he pushes the door more open just enough so that he can make out who is in the room.
"I'm really starting to get tired of this little game of yours.  All you need to say is where the artifact is, and you can be on your way." The leader? Oliver questions to himself.
He assumed that the woman, Y/N, hadn't answered because, shortly thereafter, a loud smack echoed through the warehouse, followed by the male voice repeating his question.
"I said I don't know!" Y/ N cried out.
Oliver snuck inside, the door making the faintest squeak.
"You, go check that noise out," demanded the unknown man. 
Oliver heard heavy footsteps coming towards the door.  He quickly and silently shot an arrow and landed in the rafters. 
"There's nobody here, boss." 
Oliver can see the scene clearly now.  The first thing he noticed was the blood covered woman tied to the chair.  Her nose looked to be bleeding badly, and the whole left side of her face was bruised.  Then, there was the man in front of her.  The man has a black ski mask on, as well as all black clothing.  His right fist had looked as if the knuckles were at least bruised, if not bleeding just the slightest bit. 
Oliver silently took out a tranq arrow and shot the man who went to the door.  Once the man hit the ground with a thud, Oliver dropped down and started to fight the leader.  It was not until after the leader was on the ground knocked out did Oliver check on Y/N, untying her.
"Are you alright?"  He used a modulator to hide his voice.
"I'm fine, aside from the bruises on my face."
Diggle then ran into the room with his gun raised.  When he saw the Green Arrow and Y/N standing together, he holstered his gun and took off his helmet.
Running slightly over to them, he checked Y/N first. As Diggle's eyes scanned her for any injuries, Y/N grabbed his shoulders. "Dig, I'm fine. Just a few bruises here and there, but I'm fine."
Diggle seemed not as convinced. "Lets get you back to a hospital-" he was cut off.
"No!" Y/N shouted, then immediately looked down, embarrassed. "I - I mean, don't take me to a hospital."
"Are you sure? We can go in real quick just in case that guy did anything to you," Green Arrow spoke up this time.
"I'm sure," Y/N replied.
"Guys, come in," Felicity's voice sounded over Diggle and Oliver's comms. "Oliver, if she doesn't want to go to a hospital, you can take her to The Bunker."
Oliver thought it over. What was wrong with the younger sister of a world-known 'hero' knowing the location of the Green Arrow's bunker? Everything.  "Okay.  We'll take you to our base and get you cleaned up."

Chasing Arrows : Oliver Queen X Stark!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now