chapter eleven

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The group found the Trevat Noah, thanks to Thea's guidance. They walked through, weapons drawn in preparation for an attack.
"I'm sorry, did I give you the impression that I was a rational guy?" Y/N heard the muffled voice of the boy from earlier. She drew her gun, slowly creeping around the edge of the room the hostages were in, going unnoticed by Machin.

Oliver, Diggle, and Thea stayed by the main entrance to the room, with Thea shooting an arrow into Machin's leg. He grunted in pain, then smiled. "That's my mommy. Isn't she pretty? Oh, and she brought her friends."

"This is over," said Oliver.

"More like the engineering here. This whole place is powered by a dwarf star alloy. So you might want to be careful where you aim, because a stray shot could blow this whole place."

The four glanced at each other across the room, Diggle slowly moving closer to where Y/N stationed herself. Suddenly wary of her surroundings, she felt like something might go wrong. "We're not letting you out of here," she said, making her presence known.

"Oh! Well in that case......," Machin replied. He ripped out the arrow from his leg, moving to stab Ruvé. Oliver shot the arrow out from his hand, mistakenly putting an arrow through a pressurized tank. Red lights started flashing, the room looking to be hit by a small EMP.

Machin was still able to get ahold of an arrow, stabbing Ruvé with it. As chaos ensued through the room, the four heroes were quick to recover. They and Machin started fighting, each one waiting for an opening so as not to accidentally hurt their partners.

Y/N could make out screaming from above her, fires roaring from the streets' sewer drains. She backed away from the fight, moving towards the way they came in. "I'm going back up! Malcolm needs help up there," she said, though the others were too busy fighting Machin to hear her over the chaos.

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Y/N ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time. She wouldn't dare risk the elevator for fear of getting stuck. The red emergency lights nearly blinded her, forcing her to take a moment to collect herself. No, She thought to herself. I promised Tony I wouldn't think about it again. Promised him that I wouldn't use it again. Especially after what happened last time.
She hadn't thought about that moment in a long time, for fear of the nightmares returning.

When she was younger, the night her parents had died in the car wreck, Y/N had a small meltdown. Tony wasn't home at the time, and Jarvis was left to care for the young girl.

She was in the yard, playing in her toy house. Jarvis was the one to break the news to the girl. At first, she felt nothing. Her father never gave her the time of day, her mother not much better. But that evening, the anger she felt flooded her senses and her bedroom alighted into flames.

She hadn't even realized the flames were there, as none of the fire burned her. Jarvis was the first to notice the smell of smoke, Tony soon followed. He had arrived back an hour before dinner. "Y/N!" He shouted as soon as he realized the smoke coming from her bedroom door. Y/N could still sense the fear in his voice, the feeling from just losing their parents and now terrified of losing his only blood family left.

Y/N started focusing back into her surroundings, remembering where she was. Right. Still at HIVE. Gotta go help get the rest of the people out. I'm sure Felicity is doing fine making sure the bombs don't launch. She can think about her childhood fears later.

She got back up from the small rubble pile on the floor, not remembering when she sat down. Finally, she saw the exit as she heard the shouting grow louder. Just as she reached the door, she heard Malcolm yelling at people to go. As soon as she fled the building, she started ushering people through to the secret entrance she and her group first came in from. In the midst of the chaos, she was able to take a moment to breathe. She spared a glance at the destruction around her, noticing the rubble falling from the ceiling of the Ark.

The sector is falling in. It's CAVING in. Shiiiiitttttt I need to get out of here, she realized. As she, too, made her way to the exit, she ran into a small problem. Fire surrounded everything.

Crap, was her last thought as she pressed a small button on her wrist and the world went black.

Chasing Arrows : Oliver Queen X Stark!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now