chapter ten

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Y/N didn't plan to reveal that she knew his identity. She figured that he would reveal it to her when he felt comfortable, so she has no plans on pushing the subject. As she made her way back to the main room, she heard the father telling them that his family has not taken the yellow pills, and how that they believe in Genesis. She took her place beside Diggle as she listened to him.

There was a knock at the door. From her viewpoint, Y/N could see the silhouette of two large men, both carrying machine guns. Diggle was moving the family into the room they first came out from, yelling at them to take cover.
"I'll hold them off, go find Thea," Diggle told the two. "Go, now!"

As Oliver and Y/N ran out the backdoor, she heard the door being kicked open and gunfire raining in. The duo were met with Thea outside, her holding a bow similar to Malcolm Merlyn's. "Thea......" Oliver spoke cautiously before they started into a combat match. Y/N was left watching for other hostiles to enter the playing field and to keep an eye on Oliver's back in case he needed help. In the background, Y/N heard glass breaking in the house.

Y/N focused back into the fight in front of her, immediately coming to Oliver's aid as he was kicked back into some bushes. "Thea, they are trying to control you. Those yellow pills they have you taking? It's made your mind more susceptible to being controlled. But you can fight this, ok? You can fight through this, we believe in you," Y/n calmly spoke to Thea, ignoring the arrow pointing at her head.

Thea's voice strained a bit as she said "I can't."
"Yes you can. Everyday we stand side by side to protect this city. No matter how dark or how hopeless, you always keep fighting. You never give up!" Oliver spoke strongly. "I refuse to believe that you're gonna give up now."
Thea seemed to be struggling in her mind, before finally lowering her bow. They followed her back into the house, where Thea greeted Malcolm with an arrow. "Drug me again and I will kill you, you son of a bitch."

The TV showed static before a face unfamiliar to Y/N showed on screen. "Hi, everyone. Uncle Lonnie here. See, I just absolutely adore your little community. It's so welcoming to outsiders, but it's so...... structured. Going to have to fix that." The screen flipped and showed the woman from before, except this time she was tied to a pole and her face was a bit bloody. "Mr. Darhk, remember me? The loyal servant you rejected, betrayed? In 20 minutes, I'm going to kill someone. It can be your wife. Oh, but Damien, you're my first choice. Ball's in your court, buddy. Oh and be quick about it, because in 21 minutes, I'm going to blow your little underground world into next week. Ok?" He smiled at the camera before the screen flashed to static again.

The group stood in silence before Oliver moved to find the family.
"So Machin is down here?" Diggle asked Oliver.
So that's what that whackjobs name is.
"An ongoing pest we've yet to exterminate," Malcolm responded.
"He killed Alex, who brought me here because Ruvé drugged him. Just like you did to me," she spoke the last sentence towards Malcolm.
"We can discuss my parenting philosophy later. Mr. Machin is the immediate threat," Malcolm responded.

Y/N once again tuned out their conversations, only focusing onto Oliver's next words: "Malcolms right. We're not letting anyone else die," Oliver spoke, turning towards the family. "This place isn't safe. I need you to get your family out of here in order to protect them. Please." It seemed to Y/N that the family finally understood what the vigilantes were trying to accomplish, as the father nodded his head.

Oliver told Malcolm that since he knew the way out, that he was leading the evacuation. "I don't recall volunteering," Malcolm responded, as Diggle raised his gun towards Malcolm's head. He didn't seem bothered by the gun to his head as he continued, "and even if I did. Where exactly would I evacuate them to? Everything above our heads is going to be under a mushroom cloud."

"I refuse to believe that," Oliver said quietly.

"Because you're a fool," Malcolm responded.

"No. Because I have hope."

Malcolm returned his sword to its sheath and said, "lets go."

Chasing Arrows : Oliver Queen X Stark!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now