chapter two

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It was so dark. My head ached, as well as my wrists, which were tied down to a chair.
"Miss. Stark, wakey wakey," a man's voice mockingly sang. Someone hit my head, but my eyes were still too heavy to open. "Tell me, where is it?"
My groggy voice broke the heavy silence. "Where is what?"
I could see him now. A man in a skull mask. "You know what!" He yelled. I was hit again, and again. The man kept yelling, and when I didn't answer, I would get hit again.


Arrow Bunker

John Diggle pulled up to the bunker, running inside.  He kept shouting Oliver's name once he reached the stairs.  "Oliver!" He shouted one last time.
"Dig?" A voice sounded. Thank god he's here, John thought.
"I need help," He said. "Where's Felicity?"
"She ran out to grab Big Belly Burger. And what the hell happened to you?"
"I got in a crash, and a friend of mine got taken. I need help finding her."
A door opened, followed by a pair of footsteps.
"I heard you guys from the elevator," a female voice sounded from behind them.  Felicity walked out from the elevator, carrying several bags of fast food. As soon as she was at her desk, Diggle was immediately asking for her to try and track Y/N. It took a few hours, several dead ends, and many CCTV searches, but her location was finally confirmed.
Dig and Oliver suited up immediately, and raced to where Y/N was being held.

Chasing Arrows : Oliver Queen X Stark!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now