Author Notes

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Personal note, please bear with me.

I started writing this story over 3 years ago during an emotional time in my life; however, I never finished it as it became a project I worked on during times of stress in between other projects. Since then, I have written and published, full-length novels and novellas on Amazon. Finally, I had planned to publish this book in May of 2020 (hence the fancy cover created by Harper Wylde). But, life and emotionally draining circumstances prevented it. In fact, I quit reading and writing for several months. Instead of books becoming my coping method, they became my pain of insecurities. I focused on my family and my new job, thinking I would never go back to reading or writing. Then my grandmother passed away at the end of September (2020). Books once again became my salvation - at least reading them did.

One of my favorite books is on Wattpad - A Couple is Three by T.B. Mann. Rereading it, I started thinking about why I wanted to start writing in the first place. It was never about glory, reviews, or making money (I have a full-time job). It was my creative outlet. It was my way of doing something for me. Proving to myself that I could do it. Somewhere along the way, I got bogged down in reviews and I lost the reason why I wanted to write. I don't know if I have found it again, but I decided to publish this story anyway. It's technically completed, but I am only to going publish chapters as I check over them one by one for editorial issues (and I will probably still miss some - I apologize now). Hopefully, the book is published semi-regularly and you enjoy it.

Shannon, thank you for your support and friendship. It means the world to me. I love you.

Note (7/26/21) - this story is complete. It ends on an HFN/cliffhanger. This story was about discovering what Ava is - the second story will be about what she must do about it. I plan to submit this story to a contest, so I will not be updating it after submission (it's not allowed). I am unsure when I will start book 2. 

Also, please vote or comment on the chapters you enjoy. It's refreshing for an author to see! Thank you. 

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