Ask 11 (682, Clef, 035, Ghidorah, Kong, Author)

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Thefnafmemerkid: "SCPs, you have a new member joining the crew. King Ghidorah, so dangerous he is considered Keter. What will you do?"

Ichi (Ghidorah): We're not from their universe-

027-2: Oh, we saw them already. The left head's kind of an idiot, honestly, I don't really see them in Keter designation. Depends on the Foundation though.

953: Yeah, depends on them. If I were a doctor, I'd just give 'em good ol' Euclid.

Iceberg: So Monarch, a new GOI here, allowed us to view their work and history.

Kondraki: This happened back in 2019, Jesus.

Iceberg: According to them, SCP-7000 was trapped in an... ice... berg... before a rival organization set it free. SCP-7000 is over 500 feet tall with an unknown length of wingspan, at that time, SCP-7000 was a malicious being and its original goal was to shape Earth to its own liking to inhabit it. Besides SCP-169, it was completely uncontainable and indestructible. At that point, it wasn't even a Keter anymore, it was an...

Kondraki: Apollyon.

Bright suddenly leaps in between the doctors and clings onto them both impishly.

Bright: But! They're pretty much chill now. Ghidorah's just a Keter, alongside the other Kaiju.


tylerjg4: "Hey Kong. If you want to know more about the Dire Wolf, here's a video by PBS Eons titled "Life, Sex & Death Among The Dire Wolves"

Kong: Hm, thanks, I guess. I might get into it.


UniteTogether: "To SCP-682 and Dr. Clef, could you guys bring SCP-035 for the ask or at least show him the next questions?"

682: Oh, he breached containment yesterday.

682 has 035 in his mouth.

035: Hehe...

Clef: Alright, D-9995, this is the testing site!

D-9995: So... what are we gonna do now?

682 yeets 035 at the D-Class.


The D-Class falls over before standing up again as 035.

035: Thank you, lads!

Hey, mask! Well, you have questions too.

035: Do I?

Clef: Yup, think the extra-dimensional readers are curious about us.

035: Extra-dimensional what--

Clef: Meh, I'll explain later, bye.

Clef tosses a beer bottle away before leaving.

UniteTogether: To SCP-035, hey, I have two questions for you. Number one, what do you think about modern movies? Are they better than theatre or not? And number two, what is/was your favorite play in theatres?

035: Oh, I saw some of those recently. Think it was called "Godzilla" and it was a movie created in 2014. Hm... I wouldn't say better than theatre. I like 'em equally! The... "CGI," I think they called it, it was truly creative. Would be great if they combined that and musicals as well!

Now, my favorite play? I would say Hamilton, a mix of modern and old! Truly magnificent! I hear they also took years practicing, and it's a three-hour play! Some hard work.


035: Yes, Author?

🎵 After the war, I went back to New York! 🎵

035: gAsp, 🎵 after the war, I went back to New York! 🎵


035: 🎵 I practiced law, Burr worked next door! 🎵

035 starts beatboxing.

 🎵 Even though we studied at the very same time, Alexander Hamilton began. to. climb! How to account for his rise to the top? 🎵

035 and Author: 🎵 MAAAAAAN, THE MAN IS NONNN-STOP! 🎵


Godzilla: GUYS! That's enough, you're gonna get that song stuck in my head!

Godzilla! >:( But we were having fun.

035: Wait a minute, is that the thing I saw in that movie--

Oh yeah, Dyo... long story.


UniteTogether: "To Dr. Clef: I don't think that this is that advanced since your universe also has 3D printers but in a weaker version. And that universe is not multidimensional, it is my friend SCP-5205, who helps me with sending things to your world. And no, it is not the same 5205 you have in your database."

Clef: ...Yes, we do have 3D printers. Lemme -- lemme rephrase it: the one you gave 953 produces literal, organic liver. Our version of 3D printers don't do that, see. Now, I've thought on it and I realized, yes, maybe this doesn't always mean it's anomalous. Maybe you're right, maybe you're just a lil' more advanced. Hm... and an alternate SCP-5205, (ours is weird, to be honest,) interesting...


UniteTogether: "To Author: Since you haven't received any questions yet, then I will make the first one. What was the beginning of your journey through the SCP universe and how did you find out about that?"

Huh? Oh! I intended the book just for the other universes... but sure!

Quite simple actually, y'ever heard of Cougar Macdowall? And you remember when he made those SCP comics? That's pretty much what got me into it. All this time, judging from the game, I always thought that SCP was a horror fandom and kinda... stayed away from it, 'till I saw those, which completely changed my perspective of it! The first SCP I knew was actually 3000, and not any of the SCPs from SCP: Containment Breach, damn the nostalgia.

Next, I watched Markiplier play SCP: Containment Breach, it was actually horrifying at first for me still, but kinda funny. Kinda left before I got to even see 1/5 of the video, haha, I'm a wimp. I met a person on Discord who helped me learn more, from Containment Breach to Secret Lab to the 001s, and here we are!

Man, it's been a journey.


Hope nobody else heard this, might cause an existential crisis.

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