💜Chapter Ten💜

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"I have no idea what you guys are talking about.." Nova said, lying right through their teeth.

"I'm not going insane right? You saw them disappear too?" Tommy asked Tubbo, getting a nod from him. "So we both saw you disappear and reappear!"

"I think you guys are both seeing things. Anyways are we going to acknowledge that I was just almost shot?!" All three of them looked towards the arrow. "Someone wants me dead..."

"Who would want you dead though You're friends with almost everyone.."

"Keyword 'almost', who am I not friends with or who would want me dead?" 

"Maybe George or Sapnap?" Tubbo suggested. "You did kill Dream and they were all best friends"

"No, they were both upset but knew it had to be done. So I don't think it was either of them.."

"Those are the only people I can think of that could be upset about Dream"

"What if Dream hired a hit man?" Tommy suggested.

"It's a possibility.. But when we went to get the discs back he said he wanted me alive and the only way he could've hired someone was after he escaped which gave him barley anytime and he's also dead.."

"So who else would want you dead?" Tubbo asked a loud to the group. The three stood in silence, who would want Nova dead?

"What if we just haven't met whoever wants me dead? Like how I knew you guys when I came here but you didn't know me"

"But why would they want to kill you?"

"Because I have a storyline here and they don't... Do either of you guys know where Karl Jacobs lives?"

"Yeah, why? Could he be involved?"

"No, I just wanted to talk to him about something... Something different"

After taking 20 minutes to get directions from Tommy and Tubbo, Nova FINALLY figured out how to get to Karl's. They gave a light knock on the door, waiting for any kind of response. "Hello hello? Theres an impatient enby outside who will 100% breakdown your door if you don't let me!" They waited a second before turning the doorknob and opening the door a tiny bit before kicking it open. "I said I would kick it open!" (As I said in 'The Fall of Lightningville' never let any Nova's know where you live or they'll kick down your door)

"What the-!" Karl quickly ran over to his kicked in door. "Nova! That- Why did- Why?!"

"I said I would kick it open, like twice now. Anyways this is more important than your door."

"Okay.. Is it traveller business..?"

"I think so.. Can I come in so we can talk about this in private?"

"Yeah, yeah, come on in" He backed up, letting the shorter enby inside. "What's going on?"

"Someones trying to kill me- Though thats not really anything new.. But I think it's someone like us whos hunting me down"

"Someone like us? So a-"

"A traveller, yes. Unless Dream hired a hitman before I killed him- or..or he's alive.."

"I don't think so.. It would make more sense to be a traveller instead of Dream, I saw the damage you did, i'm pretty sure he couldn't have survived that.."

"You're a time traveller right?" Karl nodded. "So you travel through different times while I travel through realities-"

"So you're a reality traveller" 

"Yeah, sounds about right.. So the other person is either a time traveller or a reality traveller.."

"They're most likely a reality traveller since usually time travelers can't travel to the future"

"Okay.. So we're dealing with someone who has the exact same abilities as me trying to kill me.. I really just can't catch a break can I?"

"Guess not.."

"What are we going to do..?"

"What can we do? We barley know anything about your abilities..."

"So we're screwed.."

"I think so.."

To be continued...

Word Count: 650 :)

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