💜Chapter Eighteen💜

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Tommy and Tubbo quickly ran through the forest, running as if their lives depended on it. The two were both filled with terror as they through the trees. Neither of them had their weapons on them which made this more terrifying for both of them..

"God this is terrifying.." Tubbo said as he ran next to Tommy.

"You think? It feels like we're going to die! We need to find a place to hide still!"

"Up there!" Tubbo pointed up into a tree that wasn't too high but wasn't too low to the ground either. "They won't be able to reach us!"

"Let's get to climbing!" The two quickly ran to the trunk of the tree, each grabbing a branch and climbing as high as they could into the tree, which wasn't very far. "Alright...let's just hope we don't get found."

"Over here! Those two left tracks!" Someone yelled.

"Shit." Tommy quietly cursed. Below the two were two people, one very taller than the other. The shorter one was wearing a black cloak that covered their head. The other was wearing a bright red cape, there was no hood on it, so Tommy and Tubbo could see their short curly brown hair.

"I'm gonna go a bit further up, you look around here" The shorter one said as they began to walk away.

"I think we're safe for now.." Tubbo whispered.

"Think again you two." Behind them sat the shorter cloaked person. They both screamed in unison, falling out of the tree. "You guys really aren't good at this game!" They chuckled.

"Well you cheat somehow! You're too good at this, Nova!" Tommy said as Nova pulled down their cloak.

"That's why I called dibs for them to be on my team." Eret chuckled, crossing his arms as he looked at the group.

"You two need to learn to cover your tacks or travel by tree" The enby jumped down with a smile on their face. "When you leave tracks for us we'll easily find you"

"Because you pay attention to stuff like that! Us three wouldn't!" Tommy threw his hands in the air dramatically.

"You have to be able to use all your tools to help you find your prey."

"God sometimes I hate you"

"Like when you lose?"

"Exactly." Tommy said as he crossed his arms.

"Nova! I need to talk to you!" From around one of the trees, Cassidy appeared, her hands behind her back.

"I'll be right back" Nova said, making their way over to Cassidy. "Did you find anything on.."

"On him? Yeah, I did...and you're not going to like it.."

"What did you find..?" They looked down at Cassidys hand as she revealed a white mask with number on it.

"I think there coordinates..."

"So he is alive..."

"Must be..."

"Fuck." Nova sighed, putting a hand over their eyes. "Don't tell any of them. I need to go grab something before I can go murder that son of a bitch."

"You're just going to kill him? By yourself?"

"I've done it before. This time i'm ready for the fight." They pulled their hood back up, walking out of the forest with their head down.

"It's time to finish this war."

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