💜Chapter Twenty Five💜

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The Finale to book 1

Enjoy, book two coming soon...

Nova stared back at the green man, he looked confused as he looked at the land, maybe he saw it too? The world had been glitching again between the inbetweens like before. 

"Don't like fighting on my turf?" The enby chuckled, holding their netherite sword in their right hand.

"Not when it's flashing between a castle and woodland mansion"

"Hey. It's a spooky woodland mansion. And you won't have to see for long, you'll be joining me in after life."

"Oh really?"

"No matter if you win this fight, you'll die here. This place is going to go down soon and you can't leave without me." 

"So you just left your family to worry about you?"

"They know i'm not coming back."  

"Really? Because you wrote them a note in this book?" The blonde through the book down at Nova's feet, they chuckled as they picked it up.

"Not this one Dream.." They opened the first page, showing in big letters 'You lose, Dream -XD' "Guess DreamXD is against you too. You lose Dream."

"You..You met DreamXD? You talked to a god?!"

"Yeah, how do you think i'm standing here? No matter what happens, we're both going down, for good." 

Eret, Tommy, and Tubbo stared at each other in silence after just watching Nova and Dream disappear. All three of them were confused, mainly about how Nova was alive or where they went. 

"Wh-where did they go?!" Tubbo asked, finally breaking the silence. 

"They-they just disappeared... How the hell did they disappear! What if Nova dies wherever they went!" Tommy commented, the two younger boys looked at Eret, who was sitting on the ground.

"They're already dead..." Eret answered, looking away from the boys. He looked at the compass not to far away from him. 

"Eret, you don't know that! They could still be alive!"

"They're dead, Tubbo. They said they were taking Dream down with them-"

"Guys! We have a problem." The three looked back, seeing Karl standing behind them with a flint and steal.

"So how do you know this place is going down?" Dream asked, holding his sword in right hand. 

"I saw Karl placing TNT by his castle, since this place is glitching into it, it'll go down with it."

"Shouldn't it have gone off by now?"

"Time works differently here.. Every minute we're here is a second over there. Not a huge difference but big enough."

"Well i'm tired of waiting for you to go back to hell." The green man smirked, holding his sword tightly. Nova chuckled,, pulling out their own sword. 

"You want to fight me on my own turf? You realize how stupid that is right?"

"Is it fully your turf though? This place is glitching, you have as much of an advantage as I do." Nova pulled out their own sword, 'The Star Obliterator'.  They extended their sword towards Dream, having a smirk resting on their lips. "Wipe that smirk off your face."

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