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Jennie POV:

"So, where are the rapping lessons?" I asked Kai.

"Oh yeah! I forgot, I thought you would be coming to singing lessons with me." Kai sighed in disappointment "Oh well, rapping is above this floor." He pointed up. "I can walk you to your class if you want?" He offered.

"Nah, it's fine." I stood up from the bed "I can find my way."

"Are you sure?" Kai asked.

"Yes, Kai, I am," I said again.

"Hmm ok, see you then." Kai waved to me and got out of the room. I sighed and walked upstairs with my bag hanging in my shoulder.

It was freezing up here!
'Do the radiators not work here or something?!'
I thought. Quickly, I looked inside my bag for my...Chanel Jumper! I thanked the gods that this was about to save me from freezing to death and put it on.

I continued walking, not looking in front of me because I needed to find my class. As I was about to turn my head I bumped into a wall...wait no, a human? Which made me fall and hit my face on the cold hard floor...breaking my glasses.

"Ah! Duck!" I said, skipping the swear because I DO NOT swear. Ever.

The scolding hot liquid dripped down my jumper, ruining it.

"When I said I was freezing to death, I didn't want hot coffee spilt down me!" I shouted internally as I looked up at the owner of the coffee.

I couldn't see their features because my glasses were broken, all I could see were random shapes cut out from the scene in front of me, but I could make out that it was a boy. And he for sure had grey hair.. No, wait! Mint was it? Oh god- Wait Blond! He has Blond hair!! 'Oh, my dumb brain!'

"Aren't you going to say sorry?" His voice almost boomed.
I wanted to say that he was the one who spilt the coffee but I wasn't the type to go shouting at someone. "S-sorry." I stutter out, the hot coffee still burning my skin.

I stood up and was about to bow when someone pushed me back to the floor. "Wow, another date with me and the floor." I thought sarcastically.

"Fucking bitch." A voice, which was a girl's, spat out. "Don't you dare touch my Yoongles." She said to me.

I looked up through my cracked glasses and sighed inaudibly.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! I'm talking to you! Did you not hear me?" She screamed.

By now, people were gathering around us.

"I-I'm sorry." I apologised again.

"Sorry won't cut it." She said. I feel the girl snatch my glasses from my face and drop it to the floor. Now my eyesight was as good as a newborn baby. Great.

I couldn't see what happened but I heard a crunching noise, probably coming from my poor glasses which were most likely under her feet.

"And that's what you get. Don't mess with me, if you know what's good, new girl." She flicked her hair and grabbed on to the so-called Yoongles and pulled him to the side.

"Who the fuck says 'duck' anymore?" I heard the 'Yoongles' say and the pair's footsteps melted away, just like the rest of the student's noises.

Blindly, I found my bag and unzipped the inside pocket and got out my spare glasses. Black, round with golden tips. I looked down at my old pair. Only tiny bits surviving that girl's shoes.

I was used to this by now.

I exhaled loudly and continued my quest to find my class. After another few minutes, my classroom was finally found.

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