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Jennie POV:

 "What the duck do I do?? Do I clean the mess? Or just walk away?"  

I looked up at Yoongi, his face still holding that playful smirk. "Why can't he just go back?!" I mumbled, frustrated. I was on the verge of deciding to walk away when an old lady stumbled outside and started to clean the mess. She wore a white apron with a simple dress, something that a lady would wear. 

Without a second thought, I ran up to the lady and bent down, helping her with the mess. "Ah! Halmoni! Let me help you with this." I said, scooping up the glass with my hands. 

"Ahh, it's alright." She smiled, the wrinkles on her face creased. I smiled back, my signature gummy smile. "Awww, don't you have an adorable smile." She grabbed my cheek and smiled even fuller. I laughed and continued helping her.

Some people started to walk past us, others even came out of the house to see what the loud noise from the bottle breaking was about. They gave us stares of disgust and annoyance as they watched me and halmoni clean. I sighed, this rich neighbourhood had many snobby people living on its streets. 

 "Ah!" I sucked the air between my teeth, a piece of glass got caught on my hand. Instantly, the halmoni turned and gently pulled my hand towards her. "Oh, what did you do!" She fussed over the small injury. Taking in my hand in hers, she plucked the glass of my hand and wiped the blood using her apron.

 "Thank you halmoni." I thanked her. 

"Oh, it's fine, I did this all the time with young Master Min." She started.

 "Master Min?" I asked, "Who is that?" 

"Yes, a lot." She emphasised the 'a lot'. "Every day he would get into some sort of trouble and end up with a bandage on him. It was quite amusing." She chuckled, looking back at the memories. "But he's grown out of it now." 

 "And he's grown IN to be an annoying guy," I mumbled under my breath. The old lady laughed at my answer "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to insult your master-" 

 "It's okay, really, I know that young Master Min can be... bothersome at some times but he is a very nice boy." I found this quite hard to believe since I've never seen the 'nice' part of Yoongi. "Do you go to his school?" Halmoni asked. 

 "Err.. yes, I do. I'm new actually." I added. 

 She smiled at what I said as she caressed my hand. I took a look at it, the bleeding now has stopped. It was only 5 pm, but since it was winter,  the sky started to grow darker.

"I need to get home soon." I told the halmoni. "It's getting dark and my mother will be very worried." I stood up, helping the lady stand up too. 

 "Thank you dear," the halmoni said. "Travel safely." She smiled. 

"Thank you! And I will!" I waved at her and turned to walk back to my house. 

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