Act One: Chapter 3

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Holy shit guys, over 400 reads already!!🤯🤯

Honestly can't thank you enough, means a lot!

Enjoy :)

The world was aquiver.
Shaking. Blurring at the edges.
Mor couldn't tell up from down.
Was she breathing? She wasn't sure.
Where was she? She didn't know.
Everything was dark, shrouded in shadows.

She suddenly became aware of her right hand, weighted by something cool and round. Eyebrows pinching slightly, she lifted her hand and opened her palm up.
It was a small medallion.
Smooth and rounded, the gold seemed to glimmer in the darkened place, the shadows melting in its glow. It was old - she knew that somehow, even though it looked brand new - but it just seemed to add to the medallion's appeal. The charm itself was engraved with a decretive, detailed spiral and as she peered closer, she could see the swirl was made of vines. In the centre, there a blooming flower embellished with an emerald jewel for the pistil. A golden chain hung loosely over the side of her hand and Mor realised - with no small amount of awe and shock - that it was pure gold.

As she gazed down at the medallion, an overwhelming sense of familiarity and knowing flooded through her, warming her soul and causing her fingertips to tingle. Her magic stirred, coiling and tumbling waves of power rolling out of her body like a storming ocean.
But it wasn't out of hand, no, in fact it was entirely the opposite.
Morrigan was in complete control.

"Use it. Control it. Master it."


Dreams were usually a strange ordeal for Morrigan Chambers.
Truth be told, she rarely ever dreamt, but when she did, they were vivid, exciting, but most of all, bizarre.
To put it lightly, Mor never forgot her dreams, and as she frowned and blinked back into reality, she knew this one would be no different.

Use it. Control it. Master it.

Those words were last thing she'd heard before she had woken up.
They had been whispered in her ear, and Mor could almost feel the owner of the voice's breath tickling her skin as she pushed herself up into a sitting position.

Use it.

Use what? The medallion?
Mor rubbed a hand over the side of her face. Why did she feel like she recognised the medallion? She'd never seen it before, and the emblem engraved onto the gold didn't ring any bells.

Control it.

Her magic maybe?
She scoffed, rolling her eyes as she stretched.
She'd been trying to do that all her life now; if the mysterious voice wanted her to do that, it would just have to get in line.

Master it.

Again, she assumed the voice was talking about her magic, and shook her head.
Whatever it was the voice wanted from her, it would have to wait a long time before she could deliver.
This was only her second day, for Christ's sake!

Yawning, Morrigan stretched once more and cast her drowsy gaze across her bedroom, and as sleep still struggled to keep her under its hold, it felt as if every eye lash weighed more than it should and gravity had been turned up ten fold. However, her gaze snagged on Stella's empty bed. Now that she thought about it, she couldn't seem to remember the Light Fairy coming into the room last night, and the thought brought a frown to her face.
What time was it?
Groaning, Mor rolled over and reached half-heartedly towards her phone: 7:49.

"Fuck." She hissed.
She was so going to be late.

All of a sudden, the bedroom door burst open, and Mor practically jumped out of her skin. Eyes wide, she snapped her attention to where Terra strode in, a bundle of clothes in her arms, kicking the door shut behind her. Mor exhaled long and loudly, relaxing.

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