Act One: Chapter 7

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Oh my god, guys! Last chapter of Act One!!!

I just want to thank you all so much for reading this and leaving some many lovely comments and the votes - really means a lot to me and I'm so glad you're enjoying the story as much as I am.

You're all amazing, and I love you guys very much😘😘🥰🥰

Hope you enjoy my last chapter!

"Free the seed and life will follow, my little phantom, but death will always trail at its heels."

What did that mean?

Free the seed.... free the seed and life will follow...
Where had she heard something like that before?

Mortem Est Vitae.
The box in the abandoned East Wing.
Death is Life - she'd checked the translation with good old Google Translation.

But what did it mean?
It was all good and well knowing the literal meaning, but the context.... that was another thing entirely.

And that woman. The same golden haired beauty that had haunted her mind and plagued her sleep as she screamed and struggled on the stone altar.
But this time, she had been free, seemingly floating in mid air surrounded by inky darkness. There was a certain glow about her that had chased the black away and Mor could still remember the gentle smile that had danced across the woman's lips.

"Free the seed and life will follow, but death will always trail at its heels." Mor murmured out loud as she stared up at her ceiling.

That was what the woman had told her.
The vision had forced its way into her mind back at the barrier, barging passed her mental defences and breaking down her walls as it overtook her senses.
It had been so strong, so overwhelming, so painful that Mor had staggered backwards into Riven, who had caught her and steadied her with his hands at her waist.

She sighed. Riven.
He'd taken her back to her suite after she blacked out from the vision, placing her in her bed and tucking her in. It had been then that Mor had awoken, only to see Riven perched on the bed beside her, stroking the hair from her face. 
She'd teased him about how doe-eyed he looked, but he'd only brushed it off and left to return back to the barrier.

Mor still didn't understand her feelings towards the boy.
On one hand, he'd strode passed her defences and stolen her breath away, all the while making her laugh and confide in him and forget all her worries - only to shoot her down from the inside, stab a poisoned dagger straight into her heart.
On the other hand, he'd admitted to caring about her and had shown it ever since. When she was struggling with control back at the barrier, he'd risked his safety to soothe and calm her down, had held her hand until she'd accomplished what he needed to do.

Groaning, Mor rubbed her face with her hands.
Sine when had her life become so confusing?

All of a sudden, Mor startled at the sound of the suite doors bursting open and footfalls shuffling inside. She suppressed a flinch as the doors slammed shut behind them - she guessed it was her suitemates.

That was another thing.
Mor had no idea where her friends had been, if they were alright, or what they had been doing.
When she left for the barrier, she'd gotten the impression that Stella was going to try and persuade them all to help Bloom, and Mor was curious to see how that all went.

"Insubordination, breaking and entering," Her eyebrows pinched at the sound of Mr. Harvey's disappointed tone, and crept silently towards her bedroom door, "endangering the lives of your classmates, and releasing Rosalind? Do you have any idea what you've done?"

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