Act Two: Chapter 6

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Welcome backkkk!!! 

Apologies for the delay😅😅  I've just been extremely busy recently, and I simply haven't been able to fit everything in.
HOWEVER, I solemnly swear to you all that this story will be finished... eventually.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

The dress she ended up picking out was the one cut from the richest of crimson material. It reminded her so much of blood - fitting, she supposed.
After all, it was blood she was out to spill tonight.

Morrigan Chambers was done with being pushed around, manipulated and twisted round Rosalind's finger. She was done being a slave to not only the woman's mind games, but her own fear as well. 
Rosalind had fashioned a weapon out of Mor, and so a weapon she will be, but by god, will she wield her own hilt.

While Rosalind's words about the Burned Ones and the Blood Witches may hold truth, it did not, in any shape or form, excuse her mistreatment of Mor, let alone Rowan - and Morrigan intended to ensure that the woman did not forget that fact.

Inhaling deeply, although it did little to soothe her rioting nerves, Mor draped the dress over her arm and threw her shoulders back, standing tall as she forced a saunter into her stride. Whilst she may be falling apart at the seams, that truth would have to be concealed in front of, well... everyone. Vulnerability was not something Mor could afford anymore - especially now that she had bested Rosalind.
She didn't even allow herself to face the fact that she was going to be reintroduced to the school in little over an hour.

For the first time in countless weeks, Morrigan finally stepped outside the chamber of her cell by her own accord. As she passed under the threshold, it was like the shadow of what had occurred in that cell - the darkness that had been looming over her shoulder, festering inside of her, gnawing at her persistently - melted away, held back by the bars of her cage.

She was free.
She was free.
She. Was. Free.

Lifting her head at the sheer triumph of that single moment, Mor strode passed Rosalind, whom had been waiting just outside, and did not look back to see if the woman was following - although she knew that she would be.

As the twisting caverns of Rosalind's secret section of Alfea eventually gave way into the corridors Mor knew so well, the Headmistress cleared her throat, breaking the silence that had, up until that point, hung between them.

"Allow me to escort you to your new accommodation, Miss Chambers." Rosalind declared, matching her stride to Mor's, "We have a new student, you see - Flora, her name is - who took your spot in your old suite. But, I have a feeling this one will suit you much better. Plus, you will have it all to yourself."

Morrigan stayed quiet, instead choosing to focus on ignoring the way her heart twinged at the thought of her suitemates replacing her. 
It wasn't exactly their fault, and Mor knew that, yet the idea of someone else sharing the laughter and the pranks and the gossip that she had once experienced within those walls was not a thought that sat particularly well with her.

The room that Rosalind showed her to was, in fact, directly opposite her old suite. 

Strange, Mor pondered as she studied the door, she'd never noticed it there before. A bubble of laughter drifted through the large oak doors of her old suite, and Mor's head involuntarily snapped towards it. They must be getting ready together for the ball. She was suddenly overcome with an ache to burst in and be surrounded by the comfort of her friends, be embraced by their arms and immersed in their kindness once again.

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