Chapter 6

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This is more of a filler chapter just because I want to get this story moving. There's not much information but I thought it would be nice if Jacob and Sarah could just have a day to theirselves and be mates without her parents breathing down their necks or the pack having Jacob's attention. Hope you enjoy it. 


..:Jacob POV:..

"All my milkshakes bring the boys to the yard and they're like it's better than yours."

There better not be any boys coming to our yard. 

"Don't worry, I'll eat them."

I chuckled at the tone of my wolf's voice. Major jealousy.

"You'd be jealous too!"

I rolled my eyes at him and went back to paying attention to my mate dancing around the house, cleaning. She knew I was watching but she didn't care. Well, she sort of did because she'd blush whenever she made eye contact with me. I gotta say, not having to deal with pack shit right now is pretty awesome. Rogues haven't attacked in days and there hasn't been any threats in almost three months. But doesn't mean I haven't relaxed. Eric thinks it's part of the person's plan. Make me think everything was over then they'd attack suddenly. So I've made sure to keep the borders tight and make sure all pack members who can fight, are still practicing and training. But today, today was just for me and my lovely mate. Even though I have warriors in the woods, surrounding the house in case someone decides to attack. Her family is also only fifteen minutes away, shopping in town. I've wondered when they'd go back home but Eric says his beta is actually doing a good job taking care of the pack and if anything major happens, it'll only take him an hour to get there. If he sped of course. 

I manage to convince her parents to leave the house to just us today. It took almost an hour to convince her father to leave. He kept saying I was going to mate with her. I wasn't. Well, I want to but I wasn't going to rush her. Especially when I know she isn't ready. And I know that because whenever I touch her while we're making out, she'll get squirmy and her anxiety spikes. But I don't get angry or frustrated. I know her wolf wants to mate and have pups but the human part of her isn't ready.

She's only sixteen anyway. Then again, it's starting to get hard not to mate her. She's not doing it on purpose but even if she stretches in the morning, hello erection. When she bends down to load the dishwasher, hello erection. Just eating makes me hard. Luckily my wolf agrees with me about waiting. Most alpha wolves can't stand even a week without mating but Sarah just has this innocence surrounding her that makes it hard to do anything.. naughty. 

"What are you thinking about so hard?" I let out a groan at the small body suddenly jumping onto my lap. She's not heavy but I wasn't prepared for it. "Just thinking how nice it is to have you to myself." She let out a giggle and nuzzled herself into my chest. My wolf let out a content purr as her heavenly scent filled my nose. 

"Fucking cat."

My wolf then growled at me but when back to purring when Sarah stroked my chest. "Why does your wolf purr whenever I touch you?" I looked down to see her big blue eyes gazing up at me. "Because you make him happy." 

"I want mate."

I swear he sounded like a caveman whenever he spoke like that. Me make fire. That made my wolf growl. Tempermental dog. 

"Is your wolf demanding his mate too? Because mine is."

I nodded and kissed her temple. "Why don't we change and let them spend some time together? Or they'll give us a headache." She giggled and quickly ran to the bathroom to change. 

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