Chapter 13

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Sarah POV

It's been two months since the kidnapping and one month since Jacob popped the question and a statement. He wanted to be married before mating. Which I quickly agreed to. He also stated that we weren't getting married till I turned eighteen. He wasn't happy about it but his conversation with daddy had turned wrong and it was the only way to make the angry Alpha happy. At least it gave me two years to plan because hello, I want a huge wedding. Not like expensive huge but I want both packs to be there. We just needed to find a place that would fit over a thousand people.

I was currently lounging in bed, a book in hand when Jacob came running in with a look of panic on his face. He jumped over me and the bed, landing on the floor then hiding under the bed. The big bad Alpha was hiding? From what?

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!" When did daddy get here? I frowned and sat up just in time for a very angry father to barge in.

"Daddy? What's wrong?"

"I'll tell you what's wrong! That stupid mate of yours was talking about your honeymoon!" I gave him a confused look. "Of what you're going to do on your honeymoon!" I still didn't get it. My dad sighed in frustration.

"He was talking about mating you!" I snorted and stood up to try and calm him down. "Daddy, we're bound to mate someday. You need to get used to that idea." The look of horror on his face about made me bust out laughing.

"It's not funny! You're too young to mate! Where is he?!" I shrugged and made sure pure confusion was on my face. "He didn't come in here." Daddy growled and quickly left, heading back downstairs.

"Thank you baby." Jacob whispered as he crawled out from under the bed. "I didn't mean to talk about it, I just wanted everything perfect." I rolled my eyes and allowed him to pull me into his arms.

"Everything will be perfect. I just know it." I smiled at him before he attacked my face with kisses.

Kathy POV

"This isn't funny, Matt!" I whined as I looked for my mate but his snickers were coming from every direction. "This also isn't fair!" That just made him laugh but it echoed.

"C'mon baby, it's not that hard to find me. Use your nose." I huffed at him trying to teach me to track. Key word being try. I took in a deep breath but someone tackling me from behind had me stopped. I squealed at my face getting closer to the ground but suddenly I was staring up at the sky. I frowned in confusion till I registered the sparks.

"You almost gave me a heart attack!" I screamed at him while he just laughed at my poor attempts to get out of his arms. Matt turned my around so I was now looking down at him and his stupid cute face. His hands trailed down to my ass and squeezed hard which made me fall forward, my hands planting beside his head so we don't head butt.

"Wanna have sex in the woods?" He wiggled his eyebrows but all I could do was laugh at him. "You look like a perv when you wiggle your eyebrows!" I rested my head on his shoulder and continued to laugh while he whined.

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