Chapter 7

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~~~Three Months Later~~~

..:Michael POV:..

"I don't understand why this is happening!" I sighed softly as I watched my alpha throw his office chair across the room. It's been months since anything has happened and it was putting both the alpha and luna on edge. Alpha Eric and Luna Ali went back home along with their son because nothing was happening. At first they were worried we'd be attacked as soon as they left but so far, nothing. And they left two months ago.

"Why the fuck are they waiting this long to do anything?!"

"I don't know Alpha. Maybe it's their plan to drive us nuts." He didn't take well to my sarcasm. He sat down, leaned against, his desk and sighed in frustration. He hadn't been sleeping well, neither had Luna. None of us have actually because we were afraid we'd get attacked if we slept. 

"We both know their plan is to tire us out and make us go crazy waiting. And right now, we're falling right into their plan! But it's so fucking hard not to when my mate is in trouble." It sounded like he was talking to himself rather than me. Or trying to convince himself of something. I didn't know but I do know my alpha won't survive much longer if we kept living like this. 

..:Kathy POV:..

This was going to be night ten sleeping by myself. Normally Mike would come to bed, late, but he'd still be there with me. But the past ten nights, he didn't bother coming to bed anymore. Alpha had him patroling or thinking of new training plans. It was tiring him out and I knew it. His wolf was whining to mine, demanding to be freed so he could be with me but Mike wouldn't listen. He worked his wolf into the ground. Now both of them were grumpy or barely said more than five words to me. I stared up at the ceiling and let out a quiet sob. I was losing my mate. No one would be able to survive much longer with little sleep and being worked into the ground. I curled up into a ball and cried myself to sleep for the tenth night in a row. 

..:Sarah POV:..

"You can't keep doing this, Jacob! You're making yourself sick!" I flinched back at the sound of his angry growl. "I am protecting you and my pack! Do not tell me I can't do it!" His voice brought tears to my eyes. He never talked to me like that before. Like I was nothing. Not his mate or Luna. I looked at him before leaving the room. The sad part is; he didn't come after me like he used to. I'm losing my mate and there's nothing I can do.

..:Unknown POV:..

The Alpha was playing right into my trap. Sooner or later he was going to snap and Sarah would run off in order to get away from the tension. I just had to keep waiting.

~~One Week Later~~

..:Sarah POV:..

I stared at the wall in front of him, not even hearing Jacob tear up his office for the eighth time. His anger was starting to control him. He'd now destroy anything in his path without a second thought. It hurt to see how lost he was. He didn't sleep with me anymore. He'd stay in his office. He didn't give me those secret kisses throughout the day anymore. He barely even looks at me. It felt like rejection. No matter what I did, I'd either get told to leave or shut up so he can work. It was putting a strain on our relationship. Everyone saw it. Michael was worried our wolves would die if we didn't interact soon. But Jacob refused to leave his office to even get food.

Speaking of food, it was time for his lunch. But I didn't take it to him. The one time I did, he shouted at me that I needed to stay in my room so I was safe. I broke into sobs. Not because he shouted, but because he said my room. It became my room three months ago because he wouldn't sleep anymore. And he knew it. Once I left the room, clutching at my chest, his eyes stayed pitch black and he didn't come after me. Now Michael has to take him food otherwise he wouldn't eat at all. He does now anyway. He'll take a few bites then give the rest to someone else. Or throw it away. He was becoming malnourished. I was sure if he wasn't a werewolf, he'd be dead right now.

I watched as Michael went to his office, a plate in his hand with a sandwich and chips on it. And when he came back, three bites would be in the sandwich and only a few chips would be gone. I turned my head back to the wall in front of me and stared. I refused to eat anything too. If he was going to starve, so was I. We'd both die at the same time that way.

~~~Three Weeks Later~~~

..:Sarah POV:..

"GO TO YOUR ROOM!" I flinched back at his voice. There was no emotion in it. Either his wolf has taken over or he didn't care who he was yelling at anymore. I left his office but didn't head for my room. Instead I left the house. There's no way I'm staying here one more minute if he was going to treat his mate like trash. 

Once I was outside, I didn't waste time on turning into my wolf and running into the woods. The warriors tried to keep up with me but my wolf wanted to run too. I let her take complete control and soon the warriors were too far behind to catch us. My eyes slid close as the wind weaved through my fur. It felt good to stretch and just run. The only bad thing was I was going to be in a bunch of trouble when I got home. But right now. I didn't care. 

..:Unknown POV:..

I followed behind my mate as she ran in her wolf form. She was beautiful. And right on sceduale. Her supposed mate had yelled at her and I could tell she was tired of it. Now I just needed her to be lost in her thoughts so I could capture her without her fighting back. But knowing my mate, she'd have fight in her. 

After I saw she was beginning to grow tired and wasn't paying attention to her surroundings, I took a deep breath, not that I needed it, and let my companion know to fire. The masked man nodded and fired his gun. I watched the dart lodged into the wolf's hind leg making her hit the ground. The fast working medicine was already in her system and knocked her out. Now she'd sleep the whole way home. I bent down next to her wolf and gently petted her head. 

"Won't be long, my love. Soon you'll join me and we'll be together forever. Jacob never had a chance." The masked man came up behind me and gently picked up the wolf. We had to get out of this territory before the alpha found out she was gone.

..:Jacob POV:..

"Alpha!" My head snapped up to see Michael run into my office. I narrowed my eyes at the intrusion. 


"She's.. Luna Sarah is gone. She's been kidnapped."






Lots of different point of views and some action finally happening! 

I gots some good news though! I have dropped a class that was causing too much stress and hassle so maybe, just maybe my updates will be closer together. No promises though. 

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

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