Chapter 8

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Jacob POV

I kept staring at my Beta, hoping it was a joke of some sort. Sarah couldn't be gone. I just saw her five minutes ago. How did she get taken so quickly?

"Alpha! What are we to do?!" Words wouldn't form. Sarah was taken. Gone. And it was my fault.

"Alpha! We're losing the scent, what do we do?!" I could hear the Beta female in the mind link but I couldn't reply.

"Call the best trackers and have them follow the scent while the fighters and a few trackers run across the land to see if they can find anything." Matt had to give instructions because I was still standing there frozen.

"Alpha, we need to go before the scent disappears." My eyes just kept staring at my Beta. "Damn it, Jacob! Your mate has been taken! Get your ass in gear!" My wolf growled at the disrespect but it woke me up. I managed to take two steps before my wolf fought through and I was soon watching him run through the woods with a few wolves following. I let out a loud, painful howl which was followed with other howls.

"I need you to call Alpha Eric and Luna Ali to let them know what's happened." I quickly mind linked Matt who stayed back to call several Alpha's between here and the coast. Maybe the Alpha's can grab the intruder before he gets too far.

~~Few Hours Later~~

Eric POV

"GIVE IT TO ME, I'M WORTH IT. BABY I'M WORTH IT." Damn woman was going to bust my ear drums. My hands quickly covered my ears when she went into another chorus.

"Daddy? When will mommy stop singing?" I looked down at my pup and chuckled at the disgusted look on his face. He loved his mother but she was terrible when it came to singing. "I don't know, pup. Maybe we can get her to stop." I leaned down and picked him up, reluctantly walking to the kitchen where my mate was busy cooking and trying to sing.

"Honey, I love you but can you stop singing before my ears start to bleed?" I put Elijah in front of him right when she turned around with that killer glare on her face. But as soon as she saw the poor kid, her face transformed and she began cooing at him.

"You're mommy's good boy, yes you are." Elijah giggled and reached out for her which she quickly walked over and took him into her arms. I grinned at her forgetting what I said till I felt a smack at the back of my head. I frowned and noticed Ali was holding a wooden spoon with that killer glare on her face again.

"How dare you use my baby as a shield!" I quickly ducked when she decided to throw the spoon right at my head. It barely grazed the top.

"I remember when you used to love me." I pouted which made her coo at me. But she gave me a kiss. On the fucking cheek. I scowled when she smiled sweetly and went to let Elijah taste test her cake batter. Then my phone decided to ring. I sighed in frustration and walked to my office, picked up my phone and answered with a grunt, "What?"

"Alpha Eric! Sarah has been taken. Alpha Jacob is out searching while I call the Alpha's in the next territory to give them warning." My blood ran cold but my wolf was angry.

"How long?" My hand squeezed the phone, trying to stay in control so it doesn't break. "About ten minutes ago but we're already losing the scent." I growled and hung up the phone, storming into the kitchen so I could smell my family to calm down enough to talk. "Sarah has been taken. We need to go. Now!" Ali went into Luna mode and turned off everything before grabbing the suitcase we left packed in case an emergency happens. She was out the door before I managed to grab my cell phone from the office. I climbed into our truck and took off towards Jacob's territory in seconds. I'm coming, baby girl.

Sarah POV

"Why isn't she awake?!" My nose twitched at the shout that was right next to my ear, but I didn't dare open my eyes. Aleera told me to keep them closed, that it wasn't safe. Damn right it wasn't. I couldn't smell Jacob or any pack mate.

"She was exhausted to begin with, the medicine just added to it. Give it time." At least someone was patient. The angry man growled and suddenly disappeared. What? I didn't hear footsteps but the breathing was gone. "He's gone, you can open your eyes now." My body froze at that. He knew I was awake? I slowly opened them and came face to face with a man who looked twelve.

"I only look twelve because that's when I was changed." Changed? "I'm a vampire." My eyes widened. Vampires don't exist! "Yes we do. Only a few hundred exist now though. Hunters and everything." I couldn't listen, I was too busy thinking how cute he was. Not that cute. Baby cute. I slowly sat up and looked around, only seeing the inside of a tent.

"Um.. Who is the he you were talking about?" I looked up at him. He was surprisingly tall for a twelve year vampire. "A man who thinks you're his mate." What?! "He's also dead." WHAT?! "That's why you didn't hear him leave. He kinda just poofs away." The boy walked away and sat down in a chair. This is a huge tent. Wow.

"I'm Alexandro and I'm almost six hundred years old. I'm here because I'm also part witch, my mother's side, which is how I was able to knock you out." I just stared at him. He helped a psycho kidnap me.

"But not for the reason you think. Yes, I helped kidnap you but I need your help. Your mother is a witch, the only witches around are part of her family. My coven has casted me out and I need your help finding a new home. I know what I did probably wouldn't help but I didn't have any ideas to where your real mate wouldn't kill me. Vampires aren't supposed to exist anymore. I'd be killed on the spot."

I instantly felt sorry for the poor boy.. man. What he said was true, Jacob would kill him without a second thought if he came onto our land. But kidnapping me wasn't going to help him.

"Alex! Is she awake yet?!" My body froze at the voice. Alex smiled sadly at me and motioned for me to lay back down. "Act like your sick." He whispered so only I could hear. Thank god I'm a wolf. I quickly laid down and grabbed on to my stomach, a soft moan escaping my mouth as I curled into a fetal position.

"Alex?! What's wrong?" Suddenly a man appeared in the tent and stared down at me in concern. "I think she's having a reaction to the medicine I used. I never used it on a full wolf before." I moaned again and curled into a tighter position. Bless Alexandro for helping me. This'll help him win over my mother. I hope.

"How long will she be sick? I want to get the ritual over with before that Alpha finds us." Ritual? I peeked over at Alex in question but he wouldn't look at me. "I'm not sure, master. It may be a few hours to a few days." MASTER?!

"Well fix her! I want her ready as soon as possible!" The man yelled before disappearing again. I looked to Alex again. "What ritual?"

"The ritual to kill you so you'll be with the master for an eternity." Is it possible to have a heart attack at such a young age? "Master?" The boy looked down sadly. "He's the one who created me almost six hundred years ago. He was killed by hunters a few decades after he changed me. He just now got enough power to be seen and talk. He was my father almost. His mate was my mother but she died years before him. His mate looks just like you it's spooky. And I'm part vampire and warlock." I looked like a dead vampires dead mate? Awesome.








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