Chapter 14

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Epilogue - Third Person - Ten Years Later (The Ten Years is for everyone's story below)


"DADDY!" Jacob bolted awake and ran to his daughter's room before he even opened his eyes. When he was able to open his eyes, he walked over to his daughter's bed only to see the girl glaring at a book.

"What is it princess?" He rubbed his hands over his droopy eyes and sat down next to the young girl who wouldn't stop glaring at the book. "They got this wrong, daddy. The princess is supposed to end up with the prince! Not the villain." He frowned in confusion and lifted the book to see she was reading Shrek.

"Why did Evangeline scream?" Jacob's mate had ran up the stairs and towards her daughter's room only to see Jacob sitting there with her. "She's reading Shrek and wasn't very happy that the princess didn't end up with the prince." Sarah visibly relaxed and left with a roll of her eyes. She was trying to get their youngest to eat his baby food but he refused, instead wanting meat. He'd been hanging around his father too much.

"Come on, Xander. Eat your food for mommy." But the boy wasn't having it. He let out a loud wail and pushed the spoon away making the food splatter all over the tired female. Jacob came up behind her and kissed the top of her head before walking to the fridge and getting out the meat he ground up the night before. Sarah had made sure to fully cook it and almost burnt it but since Xander was a wolf, he would probably prefer it raw but Sarah wouldn't have it. Jacob placed the semi warm meat in front of the boy and seconds later he was scarfing it down. He didn't have teeth so Jacob had to make sure the meat was in little pieces so his son wouldn't choke.

"Your parents are coming over today to help out." Sarah could sigh in both frustration and relief. Evangeline was easy because she was an only child but when Xander came, everything grew harder. Evangeline wasn't too happy about not being the center of attention anymore but she's slowly growing to love her little brother. Even if all he did was cry, poop, and sleep; according to the little girl. Her parents thought she couldn't handle it at first, not being able to sleep and having to stay home to take care of the two children while Jacob was out working. She was thankful for her parents but now they'd come around every weekend to 'help'. Sarah was twenty-six and they still treated her like a child.

"They mean well, honey. Maybe once Xander is old enough they'll back off." Sarah just rolled her eyes at that. "Which means when he's sixteen they'll back off." Her mate chuckled and kissed her cheek before getting their daughter dressed. Today the couple had decided to take their children to the park. It was a nice day and the sun was out which meant Sarah needed to remember the baby sunscreen for her son. Once the stubborn baby was finished with his meat plate, Sarah would do the normal routine of cleaning him up, changing his fifth dirty diaper since he woke up, get him dressed, fight with him over keeping his shoes on, packing the diaper bag only to forget something then fight with him to get him buckled in his car seat. Sarah didn't remember her oldest giving her so much trouble then again it was probably cute when she did it.

"Mommy! Look at the pretty dress daddy let me wear!" Sarah groaned at the sight of her daughter wearing her very expensive dress she was only allowed to wear on special occasions. Not the park. "Jacob!" The man peeked around the corner and smiled sheepishly at his wife. It wasn't his fault his daughter had learned she'd get anything as long as she pouted at her daddy. Then again, she wouldn't do it if he didn't say yes every time she asked something.

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