Chapter 10

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~~The Next Day~~

Sarah POV

I watched the ghost.. man.. vampire.. person start to set up for the ritual. The tent was too small so we had to be outside and it was freezing cold. What happened to the warmth yesterday? Did it suddenly turn winter overnight? I wouldn't be surprised. I am about to be killed so I can spend eternity with a dead vampire who thinks I'm his mate. Yep. I'm beyond weirded out.

"This goes here.. Mhm. That goes.. right.. no. Over there." The.. thing had been bossing poor Alex around all morning; telling him where to put things or not to put things. That thing can't go there because it doesn't look right. He's worse than a girl moving furniture around a room. I wasn't allowed to help so I was stuck in a chair. Literally. The.. I really need to come up with a name for him. Let's call him.. John. Yep. John had Alex put a spell on me so I couldn't and I quote "mess everything up like women do". How rude. Wasn't it always men who mess things up? That's what mom always said.

My body slouched at that thought. I'd never hear her voice again. Hearing her argue with dad. Hear Elijah scream whenever he didn't get his way. Hear the cute giggle whenever his belly was tickled. The sudden sadness washed over me, bringing tears to my eyes which trailed down my cheeks. Normally I'd still believe Jacob was coming to get me but its been four days..

"Love? What's wrong?" I looked towards Alex then looked for John but he disappeared. "He went to grab a few more things, he'll be gone for a couple hours. Now tell me what's wrong." I sighed as he sat down beside me, his hand lightly rubbing my back in comfort.

"I just realized I'm never going to see my family again. My parents.. my brother.. my mate." I choked out a sob and covered my face with my hands. I couldn't believe this was happening. I should've listened to Jacob. I should've stayed with the guards! I should've stayed with him. "You will. I will.. am helping you. Master needs me to do the spells, I can buy us more time. Your mate will come. I have no doubt." I just nodded. I had doubt.

~~Two Hours Later~~

I watched as.. John set up the final props. There was a table at the center of the camp with restraints because apparently the ritual is quiet painful and the.. John didn't want me to struggle and hurt myself. I scoffed at that. He was going to kill me but he didn't want me harming myself. Sounds like something a man would say.

"Alright, love. I'll need you to change into this." I looked up just in time to see a white dress fall onto my lap. Oh god. Was that a wedding dress? I picked it up and frowned. Yep. And an ugly wedding dress.

"Don't tell me you don't remember this? It's the wedding dress you wore when we got married." Oh god. He's going to make me wear a dead lady's wedding dress! This man was nuts. But I went along with it. I nodded and walked into the tent to take my sweet time changing. Maybe if I took too long he'll cancel. Yeah right. I grumpily slid the dress on, my nose scrunched up at how old it smelled. But I didn't complain in case John heard me. I eyed the puffy sleeves and long train before peeking out of the tent.

"I'm ready." I hope he took my shaky voice as happiness, not fear. The man grinned and swept his arm across his body towards the table, signaling I needed to lay down. I hesitatingly walked out, my eyes zoning in on the very sharp knife that would lay next to my head. Was he going to chop my head off? Slit my throat? Oh god. My hands began to tremble as I walked closer to my death. I could feel the my legs tremble each step I took. My palms became clammy as sweat built up at the base off my neck and brow. My eyes found Alex but he wasn't looking at me, he was too busy organizing something next to the table. My eyes widened at the sight. It was a coffin.

Jacob POV

Why hadn't I found her by now?! Fucking forest was like a maze! Where the fuck did the intruder take her?! Narnia?!

I growled as I ran into another dead end as the trees creaked from the wind, mocking me. I wanted to run into the wall, smash my head on it till it broke but I knew my wolf wouldn't appreciate it. Especially when the safety of our mate was in my hands.

My body slouched in defeat, the scent of Sarah all around me but I couldn't go in the direction it came from. It was like something was keeping me away. A witch. A spell. A witch was helping someone kidnap Sarah. Why didn't I think of this before?!



"Luna Ali! We need your assistance." My head snapped up to see Jacob's Beta run towards me, a look of panic on his face. Oh god. I kissed Elijah's head before taking off with the man. The women who came with Jacob had made camp so they could rest. They couldn't keep up with the men sometimes. Luckily I knew some of the women so they would watch Elijah for me. Eric was away on another hunt, trying to follow the scent of our daughter like Jacob but he kept hitting dead ends.

"Ali! I think a spell has been casted to keep us away. It's like its pointing us in the opposite direction when her scent is the other way." Why didn't we think of this before?!

"I can do a location spell but I need something of hers. A strand of hair or a piece of clothing." I also gave them a list of things I needed to make the spell. Moments later I had everything I needed except something that was Sarah's. I looked towards Jacob but he just looked lost. "I don't.. There's nothing I have. Everything's at the pack house.. four hours away." My shoulders slouched in defeat.

"Wait!" I snapped my head towards the new voice, seeing a blonde. "I packed one of her shirts, just in case we needed it." I could kiss her! Seconds after she disappeared she was handing me one of Sarah's favorite shirts. I balled it up and set it in the bottom of a bowl before pouring everything on top of it. I began chanting softly before lighting everything on fire, the contents quickly turning to ash then turning blue. I carefully picked the bowl up and breathed in the blue fire. Sarah's scent bloomed and I knew exactly where she was. My eyes snapped open, my wolf pushing forward so I don't lose the scent. I threw the bowl away before taking off running the opposite direction everyone was going but this time, I'd find her.

((Just a head's up, POV's will change a lot between Sarah and Jacob. You'll see.))

Sarah POV

I whimpered as Alex chained my wrists and ankles to the table, in case I fought against the ritual. This was so stupid. Even with wolf strength I wouldn't be able to get free. Alex began chanting while dripping liquid all over me. And it was red. He was dripping blood on me! Was it from a chicken?! Why didn't I pay attention to my mom when she was teaching me about spells?! The man came closer and cooed at me, as if it was going to help! I stared at Alex, hoping he'd stop it but he wouldn't look at me. Traitor! I struggled against my restraints which made the man growl and command me to stop.

"NO!" I screamed when Alex picked up the knife.

Jacob POV

"NO!" I froze at the scream. That was Sarah. And it was close. I took off running again, the scent of Sarah getting closer. I let out a loud howl, letting my mate know I was close.

Sarah POV

I froze at the howl, the howl I knew. It was Jacob. Jacob was here! The two men froze, staring at each other which meant they knew what was about to happen. "JACOB!" I screamed before they could stop me.

Jacob POV

"JACOB!" She was near. I changed into my human form and burst out from the trees, seeing my mate laying on a table with blood all over.. a white gown. There was a ghost standing on one side and a boy with a knife in his hand on the other. I growled and went straight for the boy.

Sarah POV

I watched as Jacob began fighting with Alex, his jaws snapping while Alex hissed and clawed at him. I was so focused on them that I didn't see the man move closer. Suddenly I was no longer chained to the table but now I was being pulled away from my mate. I tried to scream but it felt like my throat was being squeezed. I tried squirming but I felt frozen. And I was being pulled further away from Jacob. There was nothing I could do.

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