The Truth About Inkequizzles

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So, I'm sure you're all wondering what an Inkequizzle really is. I mean... that's what this nonsense book is called, and apparently it goes with chocolate cake, but never in this entire compilation of stories have I ever mentioned inkequizzle. Or chocolate cake. (or did I? I can't remember about the cake. But I definitely remember no inkequizzles.) 

Well, allow me to let you in on a secret:

The mysterious cheese was the inkequizzle the entire time.

Well, not the cheese itself. What the cheese was before it became mysterious cheese. The inkequizzle was in the fridge, and poor Sebastian left it in the fridge for so long that he could never eat it. (Inkequizzles are very rare).

Inkequizzles are a delicious pudding that can taste like anything you want it to taste like. Strawberries, chocolate, tapioca, hamburgers, you name it. When it goes bad, however, it will turn into a cheese/steak kind of consistency. (How professional I sound)

Nobody knows where inkequizzles originate from, because the secret society who invented it will not tell me. This secret society was called the Womchuberwuzzles, and they specialize in making weirdo exotic foods to put in people's fridges to rot. When a food gets spoiled in people's fridges, the Womchuberwuzzles would take rotten versions of their exotic foods and trade them with the original spoiled foods. This is why you can't recognize the food.

This has been kept secret from the public for years, until I infiltrated them and stole the great secret of the inkequizzle. Except they despise when people release their secrets

.... oh..... uh.........



I have to go, Womchuberwuzzle authorities have been sent out to track me down. BYE

InkeQuizzles and Chocolate CakeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang