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I have decided to take a different direction of my nonsense. I usually do a formal story in which things are completely odd and stuff, but in this collection, I wanted to use more of a stream of consciousness kind of process. A lot of people have done this kind of stuff, I have observed, and they do call it nonsense, but in my opinion, I just think it is boring. Thoughts can be quite nonsensical, and you're just wasting your time telling these "weird" stories where there was a guy and he put on a hat. 

I have no idea what I'm talking about. It's currently 2am over here. In case you'd like to know.

Alrighty then. As an introduction, I shall attempt to show you how my thought process works in the making of nonsense. I seem to always do all my best work at night, so I guess it starts with that. Step One: Wait until night.

And then, what do I think about? Nobody can just force thoughts upon themselves in order to come up with something. The thoughts just come whenever the hell they want to. That's how the enigmatic mind works. There's no use trying to make sense out of it.

So, the thought that just came into my head was that:

The candycane's singing in my ear was irritating me very much. It would've been better if it sat on the cactus so that even though the ice cream is served very hot, it could be very soothing to the dear candycane's cherry pie. The reason why the cherry was in so much pain was because a dog had said to her earlier that a pickle wasn't any good for paper mache, and that thought had provoked a bee sting from the very dirt of the woppertyjongerpants. 

And then, step three: read all what you have just written. If it raises quite a few questions and you, yourself, come to the conclusion that you are insane, then you have succeeded. 

That, my dear friends on Wattpad, is how you come up with real nonsense. Don't ever have high standards for it all, because true nonsense is just garbage.

Beautiful, beautiful garbage. 

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