And then they Ate the Mysterious Cheese

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Have you ever left something in the fridge for so long, that you pulled it out and you couldn't tell what it was?

And then you go and show it to your dad or mom or brother or something, and then you say:

"I don't know, can you remember the last time we had steak?" 

And they're like:

"I don't think that's steak.... it looks more like cheese to me."

And then you throw it away, absolutely disgusted to the ends of the earth. Or, if you were more into science, you might've kept it and studied it. What on earth... did this mysterious cheese use to be? It looked like steak, yes... but it didn't smell like it at all. It smelled like something you could've fished out of the very tombs of Khufu (the Egyptian pharaoh) himself... or maybe even older than that.

And then you put it under a microscope to see what you would find. Little mushrooms.... or maybe a snail on the tail of the frog on the bump that you found on the bottom of the cheese. Or whatever it might be. It could be a piece of cake that was never eaten at that one birthday party you don't remember. Or a piece of exotic food you brought with you from the Himalayas. 

So, you send it to the scientists at Harvard University, but they immediately send it back, claiming that it was 'simply too disgusting, and that it might be very dangerous' (so, they send it back to you anyway), and you try and experiment with it even further. Is it magnetic? Is it radioactive? If you drop it in water, does it start to fizz?

When all these tests prove inconclusive... there is only one thing left to do. What happens..... when someone eats it? 

Of course, you wouldn't eat it. You wouldn't be so reckless, now, would you? 

You make your friend eat it!!

Now... you invite your friend over to your house for lunch, and tell him that the sandwich contains a very special rare cheese from France. Now, your friend was always open to trying new things, so he eagerly takes a bite. And then.....

You lean forward in anticipation to what will happen next. But, unfortunately, you couldn't see anything, because your friend is gone. 

Stay away from mysterious cheese.


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