Author's note

232 10 8

Not an update!


Before I say anything else, I would like to point out that I didn't give up on this fic.

I'd like to apologize for not updating this fic for the past months. School's really sucking the life out of me and I find it hard to combine studying at home with my own spare time. But that isn't the main reason why I left this fic hanging for so long. I kinda lost my interest in it...

You see, when I started this, like almost a year ago when I came up with the idea, I wanted it to be an OC fic instead of a reader fic. But my own fears of people not liking my OC and therefore disliking the fic made me change things around. And it worked pretty well... till now. For me it doesn't feel like my own work at the moment cuz it isn't as personal as it was before, and that kinda leaves me feeling empty whenever I want to write for it. And don't get me wrong, I love this fic! I still have so many ideas and about 6 or more chapters in the making with many more to come.

But it isn't going to work as a reader fic anymore. At least, not for me that is.

I want to apologize to everyone who came here looking for a fun werewolf reader fic. From next chapter on everything will be changed to my original idea. (this sounds so dramatic while in fact those are small changes xD)

The reason for everything to take this long is because while I'm fixing old chapters with the name of my OC and such, I'm also fixing all the mistakes I find, and that means checking all 14 posted chapters and 64k written words and rewriting parts for it. And ngl that's kinda draining lol xD

The previous chapters haven't changed all that much and the major changes would be the introduction of my OC—but that's still not that big of a difference from what was already written.

Right now I'm working on the 6th chapter and after they are all done, and I finished the newest chapter, I'll (re)post them all. This lil piece shall be deleted at that time :3

So again I'd like to say I'm sorry for ignoring this work and then throwing in such a major change all of a sudden. If you'd want to know more or don't understand something, feel free to leave a comment and I'll answer you as best I can!

I wish you all the best and thank you for your support!! 💙💙



For those who came back to this specific chapter and for those who just reached it; I have an announcement to make. I'm Home will be on hiatus for an indefinite amount of time.

These past few months, maybe even a year or longer since I made my last announcement, have been rough. Mental health and other stress related issues have taken a toll on me and kinda wrecked my creative flow. I've been meaning to make this known for a while now and I'm sorry it took me this long to open up on it.

I know that there are readers looking forward to the new chapter and/or the changes I was gonna implement on the story. Please, do know that I still have intentions on finishing this fic. But unfortunately it might take me some time before we might reach that point.

Thank you all for understanding. ♡

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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