A new place, a new beginning...

189 17 8

Rustling sounds of wind playing with the trees along with the static drum of hurried footsteps is all a giant blur to [y/n], completely dazed as she clings onto the large furry body underneath her. Hands had found purchase in the long strands of hair and grabbed a good fistful to ensure she wouldn't fall off mid-ride. She remains as still as possible, laying herself down on the warm body that rushes through the forest on his way to safety.

The top of the packhouse can be seen from this distance and [y/n] knows they aren't far, already having crossed the borders and now dashing in a straight line through the small town. If [y/n] wasn't in such a befuddled state she would've seen how cozy and comforting the homes look, the small town a part of the pack's territory and therefore home to pack members. But alas, she is too distracted and tired to focus on such insignificant things.

Before Marco made [y/n] get on his back and rushed back to pack borders, he had given the wolves that arrived a bit later orders to go after Ace and the other wolf. Or at least, [y/n] thinks that Marco gave that order considering she barely understand them when they communicate with small barks and nods.

She had freaked out however when Marco suddenly stepped back, [y/n] had felt like he was going to leave her there. But when she wanted to run after him and cling to him for that bit of safety, Marco lowered himself to the ground and looked at her expectantly. It might have taken her a moment to understand his implication but she did and gingerly sat on his back.

But all of that feels like a distant memory when Marco skids to a halt in front of the packhouse. It's large, and that might be an understatement, huge might fit even better. It looks to be four floors if not higher.

From the moment she steps off of Marco's back and Izo brings her in a hug, everything turns into a blur again. So many new people rush around her and the unknowns scents invade her nose, the only ones she recognized amidst the sea of scents are those of Marco and Izo. The latter was quick enough to drag her away from the bustling of men and women around her.

"Come on dear, you could use a hot bath." Izo states as he pulls her along, leading [y/n] to what she presumes is the bathroom.

She had looked back for a second, just before Izo dragged her deeper into the large mansion, wanting to know where Marco went. The man didn't follow along and remained on the front steps, looking absolutely conflicted at her retreating form. He probably wanted to follow along but was needed some place else.

He is next in line after all, if [y/n] believes what Teach previously said about the man. So that means he needs to report the attack and most definitely work out a plan of action for now.

Along the way towards the bathroom, Izo tried to ask or speak with [y/n] several times, however her only answers were short yes or no's. She's unable to listen to the man's words and find a good reply, the events from before leaving her entirely stunned. [y/n] doesn't know what she expected to happen when she left the cabin earlier tonight, but this was nothing she ever would want to think might've happened.

A hot bath is made for her but [y/n] remains impassive in the room, staring off into the distance. Everything feels numb and events of the past days are flooding through her head, reminding her of everything she's been through and how broken she really is. Izo tries to coax her into the tub but [y/n] is almost like a ghost, idly standing in the room and unresponsive to the man's callings.

Instead of waiting for her response, Izo takes matters into his own hands and begins stripping [y/n] of the pajama she's wearing. If she wasn't so overwhelmed by many different things, [y/n] would feel rather embarrassed. Not only did a man undress her and thus seen her naked, it wasn't even her own mate.

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