Another fateful encounter

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After the big scare in the parking lot, [y/n] spend the next few days in her cabin. Not even daring to go out for a hunt and therefore emptying her low supply on food. Normally [y/n] is able to hide her presence very well, blending in with the crowd and acting stealthy enough as to not be spotted. Her weak scent also helped a great deal if she tries to hide herself from the public eye, years of laying low has taught her the ways of not standing out in a crowd.

However what happened a few days ago was too close for comfort. They managed to spot her almost immediately and what she dreads the most; probably seen her. Everything scared the crap out of her and so she deemed the best option is to stay away from the city of the forest for the next coming days.

But since her supplies are running low, a trip into the forest might be advised to at least get some meat and hopefully fruits. With her general knowledge on surviving in the wild she can at least hold out for a few days before she needs to go into the city and buy food. And hopefully when that time comes, they have forgotten about her, she doubted that but better to wish than to think negative right?

Maybe the whole positive thinking is for the best, because when moving here she forgot a very important piece of information. The full moon. In five days the full moon will stand proudly in the sky and her transformation will be inevitable.

All werewolves shift during the full moon. The call of the moon cannot be ignored, not even for those that are trained and can shift into their wolf at will. [y/n] never indulged on that side, no need to practice the shifting if she hates it anyway. One of the many things she hates about being a werewolf.

But with the full moon drawing closer, she needs to go back into the city and supply herself with enough food. Where she usually tries to eat small portions separated over the day, in wolf form she has no control and tends to eat a lot. And normally that is not so much of a problem as she roams the forest and can hunt during the night, however with this being a new territory she's not going to do that. Chances are that she might be discovered or get lost.

Since she can't ignore the shift, [y/n] settled of locking herself up during the full moon. The garage next to the cabin is solidly build, the hunter used it to store his weapons there and maybe do some other things in the windowless room. The walls are made from concrete, in contrast to the wooden panels surrounding the cabin, the door is of heavy metal and luckily the garage is spacious enough. While not perfect, this should be able to hold during her transformation and keep her safe from outside assaults.

The perfect thing would be to roam free at night and let her wolf stretch its paws, but she can't deal with her own shift happening and whatever problems might occur on the side. The fact remains that the Whitebeard pack had caught her scent and Goddess knows what they might do.

With an exhausted exhale [y/n] turns to the calendar hanging in her kitchen, the full moon is marked and the remaining days before the date seem to be mocking her. However another mark on her calendar, some days after the full moon, is taunting her more than the upcoming shift. Promptly she spins around and moves to gather her bags for the store, not wanting to dwindle on that haunting day that's steadily creeping up to her.

Damn werewolves and their inconveniences.

Originally [y/n] wanted to wait a little longer before heading back to the city but since there isn't much time to be wasted, it's now or never. Especially since the meat she hunted can only last her for a little, she needs more and right now the forest isn't on her side. [y/n] doesn't know if anyone from the pack would be in the city, but she hopes with all her might they aren't. It would be for the best if they aren't there and she could quickly hop into the store before rushing back to the cabin.

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