The move

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It had been a few days since the move, [y/n] is still busy renovating the place and moving in her own things, even if said things is almost nothing.

The renovation is coming along nicely, she had painted the outer layer of the home light gray, overlapping the peeling brown color that is now hidden underneath it. Inside the cabin looked good enough so whereas the outside didn't seem to be tended to, the inside was taken care off. Some walls have some peeled off paint or miss small pieces as it seems like someone bulldozered against the walls. The attic used to have a leak and therefore some water damage can be seen on the ceiling on the first floor. The kitchen is outdated—not that she knew what a trendy kitchen is supposed to look like—and only a few sockets are in the cabin, making it at least possible to charge something or use electricity.

Much to her luck she didn't need to go out and buy furniture to decorate the inside of the cabin, something most definitely not within her small budget. The previous owner had been kind enough the leave his old furniture to her for free, it's a little frazzled and specifically the couch and dining set have the worst worn-out damage, but it's better than buying new stuff or using cardboard boxes for furniture.

[y/n] had been in contact with the previous owner of the cabin, the old man who used to be a hunter—not one of those that go after werewolves but an actual hunter that tended to the forest and its critters—is too old to be living on his own and choose to sell his home. His children made him move into the city, closer to the hospital and any necessary stores he might need in the future. Upon meeting the old man she got the idea that the hunter rather wanted to stay in his home but eventually gave in to his children's demands.

So the old hunter sold his home for a cheap price and not only because of the bad shape that the cabin is in. The main reason for this place to be so cheap is because nobody wants to live this far out of the city, completely surrounded by wildlife with no way of properly communicating with others. Her cellphone has barely any reach this deep in the woods. So for most people living here meant no endless chatting with friends or doing a quick trip to the nearby store, because said nearby store is over an hour away, by car.

The cabin is plainly simple, a one story home with both the bedroom and bathroom on the first floor. A slight moist and moldy attic due to previous leaks, and a living room and kitchen that reside on the ground floor. As for the outside there is a small patio at the front and on the right side is a garage attached to cabin along with a gravel driveway. There's also some extra space in front of the patio to maybe create a vegetable garden or just for growing flowers if [y/n] ever feels like it. The whole cabin might not be much, but more than enough for her.

Satisfied with her small renovations, [y/n] turned to her car. She's done more than enough for today and is ready to make her way into the city and get herself acquainted with the area. Her car is not much either, just an old jeep that still did the deed. It was a gift from one of her former employers that took pity on her because she walked to work instead of driving there, when he bought his new car he gave [y/n] his old jeep. The actual part of learning how to drive was both fun and scary at the same time, but she managed and now can call herself an adequate driver—despite the fact she'd never had any drivers lessons.

The city on itself is compact and moderate in size, stores are close to each other and homes littered around and above the stores. A few open spaces are used as parks and in her short drive through the city she already spotted three parks that are thoroughly visited. Children running around in the parks and playing under the planted trees, parents and other visitors enjoying each other's company or the calming effect in the small place of manmade nature.

[y/n] turns away, the view pulling at her open wound, knowing that she doesn't have what they all share. A small twinge in her heart at the thought that she tries to shake off immediately. She makes her way further into the city, having parked her car in the parking lot of a large supermarket she decided to continue by foot since that way it's easier to see more of the city. So far the most she's seen are stores selling different kinds of articles, a lot of houses and quite a few bars.

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