Bad news

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Marco remains impassive during [y/n]'s rant, questioning his every stupid decision when it comes to his mate. He officially blew it and now he's going to lose her over a simple fight such as clothes. How much of a dick did he become to have fights about inferior things like that.

Lucky for him, Ace jumps in; the freckled boy laughs loudly and startles not only [y/n] from her rant, but the entire room as well. Marco can see her body going rigid as she takes a step back, nearly colliding with his chest. And despite that he's feeling down, knowing that [y/n] would seek him out when things get scary is comforting, makes him believe that not all is lost yet.

"Oh I'm sorry." Ace wheezes as he calms down a little, wiping at his eyes to clean up any tears that may have gathered there. "Didn't mean to disturb you or anything, it's just... bhahah."

As the raven-haired boy starts laughing again, Marco can see how it upsets [y/n]. Her body remaining tense as she backs away from the boy, her back almost pressing against Marco's chest. From the looks of bewilderment in the room, Marco can only guess [y/n] shares a similar look, but it seems that nobody anticipated on Ace to break the tension with his laugh.

The blond next to Ace is desperately trying to get Ace to stop, who in turn continues to giggle like a mad schoolgirl. Sabo looks beyond flustered with the attention facing their way, not enjoying the many eyes on him as a light flush sneaks up his cheeks.

The freckled idiot seems to calm down again, taking a few calming breaths before trying to talk. "I find you very funny y'know." He states confidently as if his face isn't the tiniest bit red from laughing. "You look so innocent and then bam," demonstrated by his hand making an explosive movement, "you go all superwoman style. 'Is fucking hilarious. Oh, also kudos for stomping on that dick's dick." Ace's large, trademark lazy smirk plays on his lips.

Everyone in the room is silent at his words, not expecting the boy to defuse the ongoing argument that easily. Even Sabo hisses a quiet, "Ace, what the fuck man" at the smirking boy. And where everyone seems to be recovering from the sudden whiplash, [y/n] is quicker to gather her bearings.

A soft chuckle, albeit a little strained, leaves her. "And you, Ace, are basically the same as your wolf. Loud, wild and prone to act on your own accord." Her shoulders relax somewhat as Ace shoots her an even more amused smirk, probably not expecting her to talk back at him.

Marco is still pretty lost on the fact that she remembered Ace from that night, even able to describe the boy pretty accurately from seeing him only once.

"Oh, so you remembered me." Comes the smug reply from Ace, bringing Marco back to the present. "I'm impressed you had time to check me out when all that was going on." At this Marco growls low, making the raven-haired boy stiffen slightly. He really doesn't need any more people that try to flirt with his mate.

"A little hard to ignore you when you basically press your snout in my face." Her tone flat, as if not impressed by Ace's flirt. "You should also, probably, brush those teeth."

"Oh, how you've wounded me." Ace feigns hurt, leaning backwards against Sabo with a hand pressed against his forehead. The blond isn't having it as he gives Ace a firm jab in his side, causing for the freckled man to laugh once more.

Ace was on his way to say something else, probably following up on another tease, but as his dark orbs lock with Marco's blue ones, the words die on his tongue. He looks regretful, making Marco believe that Ace indeed was planning on continuing this banter with [y/n]. As much as Ace is family, Marco wouldn't bat an eye and beat the boy if Ace didn't stop smooth talking with his mate.

A screech coming from the hallway caught everybody's attention. Since they already know who the voice belongs to, they keep calm and wait for the bouncing ball of joy and enthusiasm to spring in the room. A loud yell of, "AAAACCEE~" is heard before the frame of another raven-haired boy comes into view, promptly rushing to the couch and divebombing on his older brother. The air gets knocked out of Ace as he releases a pained grunt, trying to push the boy out of his lap while Sabo laughs at his misfortune.

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