Haunting faces

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As a small waring beforehand, this chapter contains: violence, blood and... a hint on rape? (idk how to properly say it but it's not that depict or bad, just a small indication to it)


A few days passed since [y/n] found out about her mate along with the rude invasion of Whitebeard's pack in her territory, however small that may be. It scares her to the bone, knowing her mate is out there and probably going after her now that he knows.

I'm not safe, I need to leave

That's the only thing going through her mind. She's not ready for a mate, she can't be with someone. Everything's too much, she feels uncertain about everything that happened in the last few days.

I'm not good enough, just a worthless turned werewolf, a rogue at that. I don't deserve love, no matter that form

Deep down she hopes. Hopes so badly that she does deserve love and someone will love her unconditionally—no matter the fact they are mates—just as two people who are actually in love. She heard of those stories, two mates falling deeply in love and their mate bond only strengthening their love for each other. As a teenager that was all [y/n] wanted for herself, yet somehow along the way that changed. She's not even sure how or when, but it changed.

She's scared of the unknown, not knowing what the man—her mate—will do. If he shows up again, how is she going to react? Does she need to be happy and go along with him, does she fight her way away from his grasp, or does she reject him? She just doesn't know and it hurts too much to think about the entire mate situation. Her heart aching at the thought of being separated from her mate while her brain is trying to put reason in her decisions, damn werewolf feelings making things ten times more complicated.

It also doesn't help that she has yet to find a new place to stay at, if the house search proved anything it would be that her stay inside the forest will be inevitable. And of course, in just a few days, her heat will take control over her body. Something she's not looking forward to and it puts another dent in her broken plan.

Suppressants aren't easy to get. With the whole 'trying to blend into society', openly selling suppressants isn't exactly the smartest thing to do in hiding their existence. And since [y/n] doesn't deem it a viable plan to steal from any of the neighboring packs, she has to endure this heat.

By nightfall [y/n] feels restless, unable to shake off her ominous looming thoughts as they enlarge her troubles by tenfold and only seem to create even worse situations that scare her to no end. The mind can be a fickle thing if triggered and right now it's not doing anything good for [y/n] in this state of mind.

So instead of lingering on her looming thoughts, she decides to go out for a run in the woods. Her territory may not be as large as that of a normal pack, but it's large enough for her to run in peace and hopefully clear her mind a little. Changing into a sports top and leggings, she ties her sneakers before walking out of the cabin. The key to her front door she leaves under that doormat as her outfit doesn't have space to hold items in.

Running towards the never-ending darkness, [y/n] begins her first nightly run since moving here. She had explored the area several times, so by now she knows almost every nook and cranny there is. Wisely she stays on the more open parts of the dense forest instead of running between bushes and trees she can barely see.

The dusk, bordering dark hues of the sky, make it hard for her to see the objects in her way, only rough shapes can be seen in equally dark or darker shades. In all honestly; it's chilling, like running straight into a horror story. As of this moment, at any given time, a psychopathic murder could be jumping at her. The killer hiding behind the trees; skulking, waiting, counting for the right moment to commence attack as it hits the target in the face before brutally it.

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