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The packhouse holds a vast library. Many different books can be found here, all ranging from fiction and romance novels to informational books about science and technology.

Out of all the places in the packhouse, this might be [y/n]'s favorite spot of all. Located on the ground floor, the commander offices just around the corner and all the peace in the world. Izo had explained that everything on the ground floor is open to the pack, meaning that anyone could walk in at all times and use the rooms, utilities and things if they want to, that includes the library.

And to her relief, the library is the one place people walk past instead of in.

She is not actively avoiding pack members, but the distance is a nice feeling. Things are still new and weird for [y/n], not mentioning the gossip that fills the hallways, and it is hindering her confidence at the moment. She is used to take to herself and doesn't necessarily need anyone around, but what those women say cut deep at times.

Fortunately Izo has been nothing but kind and helpful in the past weeks. Not only supporting her and helping with whatever struggle she was dealing with, but also teaching her many different things on werewolves. [y/n] learned more in the past week than she did half her life with her old pack, they probably didn't want to teach her and even deliberately kept the information from her. After all, she was nothing but a stupid mutt who wasn't worth of anything.

But not in the eyes of Izo, the man is kind and caring, always being mindful of her reluctance towards the pack yet still wanting to expose her more and more. Helping her understand the animal side that resides within and how to go about omega problems, everything within his powers to make her understand and feel more at ease with being a werewolf.

The amount of tips and tricks might be because Izo himself is also an omega and thus feels responsible for helping someone who is feeling lost and similar to him, but to [y/n] it doesn't appear that way. Izo wants to help just because he can and because he wants to, not out of some form of pity.

Most tutoring lessons happen in the library, seeing as almost all information lies here and they won't need to carry the books from one place to another. For today, Izo said he would be joining her later in the afternoon considering he had to take care of a few things, so [y/n] takes the time to teach herself a few things.

Having found the book Izo recommended she read, [y/n] takes a seat at the large table standing in the middle of the large room. Surrounded by shelves upon shelves that are filled with the many different books they managed to gather over time and the large windows that fill the expanse of a single wall, allowing the natural light to illuminate the room. It truly is a sight to behold.

The book in her hands explains in depth how a shift works and ways to train yourself to control a shift. A good read seeing as [y/n] is in no way able to control her shifts, at all. Even if she is not sure about the entire 'transforming out of free will' part, this might help her a lot during the next full moon, where shifting can't be stopped. And maybe that way she might be able to control her wolf better and find a way to deal with the enormous overflood of instincts that take over.

Instincts. Something that seems to have diminished during her stay here, however short it might be. Alert and skittish no more, her behavior much calmer since the first day she arrived here and she is more prone to let her guard down at times.

Like right now.

Unobservant of the squealing hinges as the large wooden door opens, uncaring of the set of feet that are casually walking closer, and certainly inattentive of the presence before her until it's too late.

Large, startled eyes stare at a very familiar face. His scent reaching her in a comforting hug and making the racing nerves slow their pace. An amused smile in on his face and [y/n] knows that she did not hear him come in, did not acknowledge his presence and he saw her jump in surprise when she finally did.

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